DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorChang, Yi-Chuanen_US
dc.contributor.authorC. David Tsengen_US
dc.description.abstract人類為了得到安全感,在這裡和那裡之間立了一道牆,於是邊界油然而生。建築大師Louis Kahn曾在一首描述牆與柱的詩篇中提到,人類有了牆之後,卻因想要看見外面美妙事物的願望,在牆上鑿了洞。在我看來,人類似乎同時渴望著建立邊界和打破邊界;表面上意在藉由邊界區隔內外,潛意識下又想透過邊界與外界建立起某種關係。 回顧我過去面對的每個設計題目中,不管是設計實作前給定的基地條件也好,或是設計過程中處理的建築本體也好,在處理內與外的邊界問題時,總是不甘心將邊界兩邊的事一刀兩斷地切開;我一直在思考著邊界的不同形象,試圖將二度空間的面擴展至三度空間,把邊界看作是兩端互相滲透的平台。以下我依邊界擴展的性質將內容分為三個章節:1. 地貌的延伸、2. 有形與無形、3. 碎化與穿透。 地貌的延伸_Extend from Terrain 面對基地中的自然地形,我思考著建築如何依附原有的單一地形並將其分解成多個與生活機能相關的平台,透過這個方式將人的生活情境與地貌之形體結合起來。 有形與無形_Visible & Invisible 我想透過建築實體的有形對無形的訊息做重組與安排,為建築與外界創造一實體之外的不可見邊界。分為兩部分:第一部分利用在外部空間與內部空間中插入的「邊界框景」擴展內與外的視野,以及利用兩種動線的交錯安排,為兩種不同使用族群在同一空間底下建立各自的無形領域。第二部份透過氣味訊息的傳遞與控制,重新定義都市街區的無形邊界。 碎化與穿透_Fragmentary & Transparency 藉由1:1的pavilion實作,我們嘗試利用一次性塑膠杯這種材料與新的堆砌工法,創造一個有厚度而充滿孔隙的半透明牆面,我們思考的是作為社交空間的pavilion,其邊界應該要成為人與人互動的助力而不是阻礙。 以上三個章節分別從:如何延伸既有邊界、打破實體邊界並建立無形邊界、材料與組構法的研究三個方式去思考邊界擴展這件事,最終目的還是在消除邊界將空間一分為二的冰冷感與建立一個漸進的體驗經驗。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn order to get a sense of security, Human beings build a wall between here and there, and a boundary is established. Architect Louis Kahn had a description of walls and columns mentioned in the poem, because of the wonderful things outside the wall, human make a hole on the wall. In my opinion, human seems also eager to establish boundaries and breaking boundaries at the same time; ostensibly intend to separated inside and outside by boundary, but subconsciously want to establish a relationship with the outside world through boundary. Looking back at my past design projects, whether it is a given base conditions or the building itself, in dealing with boundary issues, I always not willing to make a clean break on both sides of the boundary; I've been thinking about a different image of the boundary, trying to extend two-dimensional surface to three-dimensional space, see the both ends of the border as a platform for mutual penetration. Below I will be in accordance with the nature of the boundary expansion to divide it into three sections: 1. Extend from Terrain, 2. Visible & Invisible, 3. Fragmentary & Transparency. Extend from Terrain Facing the base of the natural terrain, I think about how to attach architecture to the original single terrain into multiple functions associated with the life of a platform, and through the way to combine living scenario and form of terrain together. Visible & Invisible I want to restructure and arrange the information through the building, and build an invisible boundary for the building and the outside world. Divided into two parts: the first part is to insert a “boundary box” between inner space and outer space to expansion inside and outside the field of vision, as well as using two staggered circulations to make invisible boundaries of two different user groups under the same space. The second part is about using message transmission and odor controlling to redefine the invisible boundaries of urban blocks. Fragmentary & Transparency With 1:1 pavilion implementation, we try to use disposable plastic cups pile with the new construction method to create a thick and translucent wall with full of pores, as we think about social space pavilion, its boundary should be assisted human interaction rather than hinder. Respectively, from the above three chapters: “How to extend the existing boundaries”, “breaking boundaries and create an invisible boundary”, “study materials and construction methods”, three ways to think about the “boundary extend”, the ultimate goal is to eliminate the cold feeling of boundaries and build a progressive experience between two spaces.en_US
dc.subjectboundary extenden_US
dc.titleBoundary extenden_US


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