標題: 像素│介面
作者: 鄭楷婷
Jeng, Kai-Ting
Chang, Chi-Yi
關鍵字: 像素;介面;混合;街道;庭;公共性;私密性;商業與住宅;Pixel;Interface;Complete;Street;Courtyard;Public;Privacy;Commerce and residence
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 現代化的過程中,都市中動態的現象有更劇烈且迅速的轉變。其動態的現象指人、物甚至是資金在都市的流動。因為資金、人、物的流動,都市或建築將會隨之改變。 Georg Simmel於《大都會》一文中提及,因為貨幣經濟及和交換價值的影響:使人採取一種無能力(incapacity)來面對新的刺激。這種無能力的態度,使得人在都市中面對刺激產生一種自保態度(self-preservation)。 自我防衛心態下,人和人之間產生距離,距離使人和人之間只剩下視覺之間的聯繫。不同於傳統社會,強調人和人之間的親近及口說;大都會中傾向於流動中快速的一瞥及視覺傳播。而不同的文化生活,也利用距離來中和化文化生活的過度擁擠和摩擦。 介面 距離,也在消弭文化生活的摩擦中,建立了人與人視覺的觀察。在建立觀察的同時,距離也成為了不同機能之間的曖昧空間或延伸空間。 在台灣的都市中舉例,如果將建築物作為都市中比較不可變動的元件;人比做為都市中流動的客體,則街道將成為人與建築、建築與建築、活動與活動串聯產生互動關係的介面。街道為不同文化生活之間的中和處,街道成為一個混合、中介且曖昧的空間。 如果街道為連接的一個路徑或是距離,則「庭」為街道的延伸空間。可具有公共性或為私人所有的彈性性質,多變性且彈性的性質使得庭可成為街道與建築物的中介空間。街道較多為流通性;庭較多為停留性。 像素Pixel 當一個單純的物件重複堆疊增生後,可以成為多樣性的物件。利用此單一物件的堆疊性質,將堆疊的物件增生成『實體』之有厚度的介面,或是將介面兩邊實體化,塑造出『虛體』之介面的邊界。 這些有厚度的介面,成為不同機能空間之間的過渡空間,不同機能空間之間的介面將會產生似乎可屬於A機能或是屬於B機能的曖昧空間。不同混合使用空間中,不同的機能混接情形下,將會有許多的衝突性必須解決和探討。以住商混合為例,如何兼顧隱私性及方便性,將會是設計要探討和突破的課題。 本論文透過下列四個不同的設計詮釋不同的像素構成的介面方式及關係。
Through modernization, urban cities are going through more dramatic and fast changes. These factors include people, matters and even capital flow in urban areas. Because of the flow of people, objects, and capital over time, urban cities and architecture change accordingly. As Georg Simmel in “The Metropolis and Mental Life” argues, because of the impact from money, economy and exchange values make people incapable of facing new challenges. This incapacity brings about self-preservation as an attitude towards new stimulations. Because of this self-preservation, distance appears among people, leaving only a visual connection between them. Unlike traditional societies, where close relationships and conversation are stressed, metropolitan societies tends to use visual communication and flowing glimpse. In cities full of different cultures, distance is used to neutralize the friction that results from crowding. Interface Distance, as it eases off the friction in culture life, builds up visual observation between humans. While establishing observation, this distance also becomes an ambiguous or extended space between different programs. Take for example Taiwan city. If we put architecture as a comparatively stable element in cities, with humans as the flowing objectives, the streets become key knots to tie up the inter-active interface between people, architecture and activities. Streets are neutral zones between different cultural lives and become an intermediate and ambiguous space. If streets are paths or distances for connection, courtyards therefore becomes the extensive space from streets. With public or private attributes, changeable and flexible characteristics make courtyards in-between spaces between streets and buildings. Streets are more fluid, while courtyards are more still. Pixel After a pure object stacking and proliferating, it could be a variety object. The stacking objects would proliferate to a tangible thick interface space, or the objects define the edge of the false interface. The thick interface between different programs becomes an ambiguous space that can belong to either of A program or B program. As a result, interactions between different programs can conflict that should be resolved and discussed. For example, in the case of mixing residential and commercial spaces, “How to balance privacy and convenience” would be an issue to discuss and break through. This paper aims to clarify the relationship between complex and interface by providing four different designs.


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