標題: 都市變動地景
Urban Mimosa
作者: 呂昂
Lu, Ang
kung, shu-chang
關鍵字: 變動性;都市;介面;人為活動;variability;urban;interface;human activity
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 變動,一種改變的狀態,蘊含一種背後推動運行的力量。 都市地景,由人為活動造就的都市樣貌。 都市變動地景,藉由都市活動的持續發生,造就城市變動的狀態及可持續改變的空間型態。 本論文嘗試從真實尺度的操作為起始點,探討變動性介面如何打破人與空間之間的絕對關係,進而將變動性放大到都市尺度中探討人與都市間的關係,探討都市變動地景之於都市的建築意義,並從不同角度理解變動介面在都市中對空間與人的影響: 人與自然 自然界的邊界往往呈現變動的狀態,如潮汐、冰河、雪線、櫻前線,其狀態呈現的是一種與時間、環境共同形塑的、不斷消長的動態平衡,人們也藉由觀察自然邊界的變動來理解大自然的異動,並體悟到大自然的無形力量。對比人造環境相對過於絕對的邊界塑造,自然變動邊界產生的模糊狀態更有創造多元性的可能。 水平向度:都市人為活動 都市的生命力來自不間斷的人為活動,而場所機能的不確定造就都市人直接能夠定義場所的性質,創造出最多元的空間使用價值。 垂直向度:生活-介面-都市 人在城市中藉由建築的垂直向度來感知空間。建築垂直面作為建築內部活動者與外界都市的介面,藉由其內部生活使用於建築垂直面的佔據,讓城市裡的人感受到都市真實運作的活力。然而,現今的城市經營者經常將都市建築內部生活外溢的行為視為對都市文化的侮蔑而加以控管,造成都市活力的逐漸喪失。
Variability, a state of changing, contains a force which is operating behind. Urban landscape, the city appearance which created by human activities. Urban variable landscape, by the constantly occur of urban activities, create a status of city changing and a space form which could constantly changing. This thesis attempts to operate from real scale as a starting point to explore how variable interface break the absolute relationship between human and space. Then zoom in to city scale to explore the relationship between human and city, trying to explore the architectural significance of urban variable landscape. Human and Nature Most of the nature boundary is variable, such as tides, glacial, firn line, sakura line. The variable state is a dynamic equilibrium which constantly changing and shaped by time and environment. People also comprehend the changing of nature by observing the changing of natural boundary, and realize the invisible power of nature. In contrast to the relationship of artificial environment boundary which is too absolute, the vague state of natural boundary has more possibility to create diversity. Horizontal dimension: human activities The vitality of the city is from the ongoing human activities, and because of the uncertainty of place function, urban people could directly defines the nature of the places, then creates the most diverse space using value. Vertical dimension: life-interface-city People in the city perceives urban space via vertical dimension of architecture. As the interface between inside user and outside city, the architecture elevation plays an important role to let people in city feel the vitality of city operation.by sensing the occupation behavior of inside user. But the city operator today thinks that this kind of living extension is a humiliation to city culture and then strictly control these activities, which result in gradual decline of city vitality.


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