標題: 某半導體封裝廠辦公區空氣品質與員工舒適度的調查研究
Investigation of Indoor Air Quality and Comfortness of Employees in the Office Areas of a Semiconductor Assembly Company
作者: 蔡佩芬
Tsai, Pei-Fen
Tsai, Chuen-Jinn
關鍵字: 室內空氣品質;CO2;Indoor air quality;CO2
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 居家與工作場所常使用室內空調系統以調節改善室內工作環境的溫溼度,但是因為能源費用不斷上漲,因此人們常會以增加氣密性、減少通風量及調升室內空調溫度等,以降低能源損耗,然室內空氣品質是否因此受到影響值得關注。本研究為了解某一科技廠辦公區室內空氣品質之現況,利用室內空氣污染物(CO2)濃度、溫度、溼度的測值,結合問卷方式,探討室內環境舒適度以及室內空氣污染物(CO2)濃度之關係。 研究結果發現由於採樣期間為寒冷的冬季且辦公區門窗緊閉,因此雖然大部分的人員對於室內溫、溼度感到舒適,但是仍有26.79%的人員因為出風口或回風口位置、換氣效率不佳等因素感到溫度偏高。在CO2濃度部份,以一樓辦公區CO2濃度超過室內空氣品質標準的次數佔33.33%最高,而一樓的人員密度以及通風不良率也是所有測點中最高的。根據統計分析結果發現,自然換氣的室內CO2濃度與風量/人數、人員密度有高度相關性。問卷統計的結果顯示,辦公區發生SBS症狀的人員分別有53.06%與33.99%的人在下班或休假時「從未發生過」或「症狀有改善」。職務與每週工時對於健康滿意度具相關性,工時越長健康滿意度越低,職務部分以工程師對身體健康滿意度最低。 關鍵字:室內空氣品質、舒適度、病態建築物症候群、CO2、問卷調查
Indoor air-conditioning system has been widely used in the household and in the workplace. Due to the rising energy cost, increasing air tightness of buildings, reducing forced ventilation and raising the indoor air temperature... and so on are methods often used to reduce energy consumption and cost. However, the impact on indoor quality is of concern. This study is to understand the indoor air quality in the offices of a technology factory. The concentration of indoor CO2 concentration, temperature, and humidity data were used together with questionnaires to study the indoor environment comfortness and its relationship to indoor CO2 concentration. The results showed that indoor temperature and humidity were moderate for most of the people. However, there were still 26.79% of the staff felt that the temperature was too high due to the approximity to the outlet or return air grilles and poor ventilation efficiency. As to CO2 concentration, 33.33 % of the time that the indoor air quality CO2 standard was exceeded at the 1st floor office area, where the density of occupancy is the highest and the ventilation is the poorest among all measuring points. Statistical analysis indicated that indoor CO2 concentration was closely related to the ventilation rate/person and the density of people. According to the survey results of the questionnaires, 53.06 % and 33.99% of office workers had never had SBS or had improved SBS, respectively during off-work or vacation period. The health satisfaction was highly correlated to the job fuction and weekly working hour. Longer working hours resulted in less job satisfaction while the engineers had the lowest job satisfaction. Keyword:Indoor air quality、Comfortness、Sick Building Syndrome、CO2、Questionnaire