Title: 消防泡沫液長期儲存品質檢測與性能評估
The quality testing and performance evaluation for fire fighting foam concentrate stored over long periods of time.
Authors: 吳舒凱
Wu, Shu-Kai
陳 俊 勳
徐 一 量
Chen, Chiun-Hsun
Shu, Yi-Liang
Keywords: 泡沫液;泡沫品質;消防;滅火效能;foam concentrate;foam quality;firefighting ability;fire fighting
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 隨著19世紀石化工業的蓬勃發展,石油及相關產品的火災頻頻發生,傳統的滅火劑(水)已經無法有效控制滅火,於是在19世紀末,人們就研發撲滅液體燃料火災的方法和滅火劑,其中泡沫為對付B類火災最有效滅火藥劑之ㄧ,然而泡沫液的長期儲存,會產生品質劣化,進而使滅火性能降低,這是不可否認,所以國外成立泡沫檢測機構,加以把關泡沫的品質及效能,反觀國內針對泡沫的檢測規範不多,無法真正對泡沫作有效的檢測。所以國內較有規模石化工業,每年主動採樣泡沫液送至國外檢測機構測試。
As the petrochemical industry developed excitedly in the 19th century, petroleum and products produced by petroleum would frequently occur fire. The traditional fire extinguishing agent (water) were unable to control the fire effectively. In the late 19th century, people developed fire extinguishing methods and agents for liquid fuel, in which foam is the most effective extinguishing agent against Class B fire. However, foam concentrate stored over long periods of time would not only make the foam quality degrade, but also decrease extinguishment ability, this is undeniable. Therefore, foreign countries set up foam testing organizations to check the foam quality and extinguishment ability. On the other hand, Taiwan could not effectively conduct foam testing. Large-scale petrochemical industries in Taiwan would collect foam concentrate samples yearly then send to foreign testing organizations for testing.
This Study collects and analyzes literature in Taiwan and foreign countries, then copies (designs) an experimental architecture like Ansul Agents Laboratory to test the foam concentrate stored over long periods of time for quality and performance. 27 kinds of AFFF foam concentrate samples were collected at places with foam fire extinguishing equipment (Changhua County resident building parking spaces) and conducted the following two main real field testing:
1.The testing of foam quality: PH value, Viscosity, Refractive index, Expansion, Drainage time.
2.The testing of firefighting ability: Small-scale fire test, Burn-back test.
The results showed that when the foam concentrate were saved for a longer time, it has faster drainage time and smaller expansion, which is due to the thinner foam film resulting in faster defoaming. The testing of extinguishment ability for foam concentrate stored over long periods of time showed that the extinguishment ability decreased significantly, and there was a linear relationship. For foam concentrate stored over long periods of time, the time for extinguishment needed much longer. It not only had worst fire resistance and shielding ability, but also had bad burn-back ability. The results showed that foam concentrate exposed to sunlight would increase the deterioration of foam concentrate quickly, decrease foam quality and extinguishment ability.
Appears in Collections:Thesis