標題: 高科技設備震害防制與無塵室樓版剛性補強研究
A Study on Earthquake Protection of Hi-tech Facilities and Cleanroom Floor Rigidity Reinforcement
作者: 阮明坤
Ming-Kun Juan
Yen-Po Wang
關鍵字: 震害防制;隔震;振動台試驗;動態剛度;樓版補強;seismic hazard prevention;isolation;shaking table tests;dynamic stiffness;floor reinforcement
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 本文主要的研究方向包含:(1)高科技設備之震害防制;(2)無塵室樓版之剛補強。高科技設備之震害防制方面:針對衝擊敏感之設備機台不適用防震加固設計之問題,考慮以設備之容許振動加速度為目標進行功能設計。摩擦單擺支承在一般環境擾動力作用下不會產生滑動,因此不影響設備生產良率,故本研究採用其進行設備隔震。文中利用改良式剪力平衡法解析隔震設備在基座傾斜下的動力行為,數值模擬結果顯示,基座傾斜的隔震設備震後的殘留位移較大。此外,本文發展出剪力平衡-速度迭代法解析隔震設備加裝非線性油壓阻尼器的動力行為,數值模擬結果顯示,隔震設備加裝非線性油壓阻尼器在地震作用下,確能有效降低隔震設備的受震反應。一系列的振動台試驗,則進一步確認隔震平台能降低設備之地震反應。無塵室樓版補強方面:由於廠房擾動源甚多,且擾動函數及位置很難清楚定義,因此無塵室樓版的微振動反應很難由數值模擬分析得到可靠的預測,故精密設備常以樓版動態反應規格作為樓版微振動的設計要求。本研究利用SAP2000軟體模擬樓版動態反應,結果顯示,不同邊界條件、樓版厚度及梁尺寸均會造成樓版的動態反應不同,其中以樓版厚度之影響最大。另外,針對剛性不足的樓版,採用鋁桁架補強確實可提升樓版的剛性。
The main contents of this study include: (1) earthquake protection of hi-tech facilities; (2) cleanroom floor rigidity reinforcement. In regard to earthquake protection of hi-tech facilities, this study considers a performance-based design approach for shock-sensitive facilities, for which seismic anchorage design is not adequate, using admissible acceleration as the design criteria. The Friction Pendulum System (FPS) is adopted for seismic isolation as it won’t be triggered by general environmental disturbances so that daily manufacturing process will not be affected. In this thesis, the dynamic behavior of isolated facilities on an inclined foundation is investigated. Simulation results show that residual displacement can be excessive under inclined conditions, and the test result is better predicted with modification of inclined condition in the analytical model. Moreover, a Shear Balance – Velocity Iterative Method is proposed for nonlinear dynamic analysis of isolation platform with nonlinear viscous dampers. Simulation results indicate that additional dampers can further reduce seismic response of the isolation system. A series of shaking table tests has been conducted to confirm effectiveness of the isolation platform. While for cleanroom floor rigidity reinforcement, as the sources of disturbances is so diverse that they can not be precisely defined and located, the micro vibration responses of the floor can not be reliably predicted via numerical simulations, and therefore some experimentally obtained floor dynamic characteristics are often adopted as the design criteria for hi-tech facilities. This study extracts the dynamic characteristics of the floor based on numerical analysis by SAP2000. Results show that the boundary conditions, floor thickness and beam size affect the dynamic characteristics of the floor, among which the floor thickness is the most critical factor. Furthermore, it is verified that floor reinforced with aluminum space truss effectively enhances its dynamic stiffness.


  1. 656901.pdf

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