Title: | 都市邊界的邏輯索引 The Logistic Index Of Urban Boundary |
Authors: | 許家茵 Hsu, Chia-Yin 龔書章 Kung, Shu-Chang 建築研究所 |
Keywords: | 邏輯;邊界;索引;感知;基地涵構;物流系統;Logistic;Boundary;Index;Perceive;Site Context;Logistic System |
Issue Date: | 2012 |
Abstract: | 建築電訊說都市是一個複雜的有機體,而伊東豐雄更相信都市是一塊各種訊息流竄其中的果凍,庫哈斯理解紐約曼哈頓是建立在城市中快速流動的慾望與消費生活。城市是由眾多建築體所構成,而建築又是城市的小型縮影,兩者間的邊界存在一種曖昧關係。從另一個角度來看,建築與都市間的模糊地帶,是在看待建築基地與城市脈絡的連結關係。就土地所有權而言,基地線劃分建築邊界;區域邊界進而界定土地使用分區;都市邊界則受山川大道所切割。邊界存在有形與無形,可視與不可視,倘若更廣泛地定義,甚至可成為更抽象的概念。 人、基地、乃至於都市,三者之間的關係是建築設計的重要議題,三者牽涉到不同尺度的層級。本論文試圖以這三種不同尺度的邊界作為索引依據,用理性的邏輯分析,將邊界區分為三個由小到大的尺度索引標籤,分析出現況關係,從中找出處理邊界的方法。 標籤一| 人的感知與活動邊界 人的感知與活動,超越有形邊界,其發生之處也因此形塑出建築與都市間的關係。譬如具有遮蔽的空間使人感到安定,而開闊的空間驅使人移動;一個眾人站立眺望的觀景處,由安定與開闊的兩種空間形塑出了邊界。以人的感覺作為思考建築設計的出發點,了解人如何以需求、知覺與情感理解環境,進而將人與都市以景觀或是動線做連結,如此便能把建築與人的關係放大到城市尺度。 活動場域界定出了公共空間下的私領域,一群在廣場談話的人,彼此間產生了私密的領域感。如果將活動場域的不同私密性程度拉展開,把私領域中能與人共享的部份釋放,就有將公共性極大化的可能,如此建築與都市之間的邊界因為人的活動而被定義出來。 標籤二| 基地的邊界 面對兩個密度截然不同的都市涵構:被縝密巷弄包圍的方正街廓;被巨大高架橋及河岸包夾的剩餘空間。如何試圖填補這兩種密度的基地邊界:用建築結構的變動性修補都市基盤與都市的剩餘空間;用人與鄰里的動線串連,活化都市與建築間的介面。 標籤三| 城市的邊界 利用都市的物流系統,在既存的城市紋理中尋找出「沒有基地」的可能性,將建築比喻成酵母或是原生細胞般的起點,擴展到更大的範圍、廣泛的層次。建築在城市中變成可以擴張到都市尺度的組件,不再只是單體,而是可以複製或延長的單元。邊界則被都市系統的服務範圍所界定,城市與建築相互參照彼此相長。 三個標籤從建築個體的角度出發,欲將邊界模糊化,甚至向都市擴張;接著放大到基地涵構的尺度,希望縫補邊界切割出的斷裂;最後思考如何以都市系統超越城市的邊界。 邏輯(Logistic)不但是理性推演的手法,更是都市系統的物流資訊。都市系統超越任何可見的邊界,資訊流動不僅限於活動、基地線,也不限有形或無形。邏輯自由不受拘束而且無邊無際,卻又有跡可尋,備受各種因子影響而不斷變動。邏輯性的索引推演到這裡,期望邊界能跨越各種標籤,在城市中可以完全消失。城市既是有機體、是資訊流、也是慾望與消費的生活並且不會間斷的持續變動。 The city is constituted by numerous architectures, while building is a small microcosm of the city; there is an ambiguous boundary between the relationships of two. From another perspective, the fuzziness between architecture and city can be seen by discussing the linkage of architectural site and urban context. On land ownership, the line of the site divides buildings; zone boundaries define the land use zoning; the mountains or roads cut urban boundaries. Boundaries exist visible and invisible, tangible or intangible, from more broadly definition, even could become abstract concepts. The relationships between people, the site, and even the city are important issues of architectural design, and involved three different scales. This thesis attempts to take these three different scales of boundaries as the basis of index. With rational and logistic analysis, the boundaries are divided into three tabs from small to large-scale. For the purpose of analysis current relations, and finding the design approach to the boundaries. Tag 1 : Boundary of Human Perception and activity Human perception and activities are beyond the tangible boundaries, their occurrence therefore shape the relationship between architecture and the city. For example, a sheltered space makes people feel calm, and open space thus drives people to move; Both the quality of capaciousness and stability form the feature of boundary from an observation point overlooking the view. One can understand how people comprehend the environment with needs, perceptions and emotions by thinking man’s perception as a starting point of architectural design. Thus, human and the city are linked by connecting the urban landscape and the human circulation. The activities define the private sphere in the public area, for example, a group of people talking on the plaza, the private field is generated by the intimate interaction between people. If we try to separate the different levels of publicness of daily living, there is a possibility to maximize the publicness of private place, then the activity towards the city defines the boundary of architecture and the urban space. Tag 2 : Boundary of Site Two densities of site context differ, one of them is surrounded by dense neighbourhood and small alley, while the other is low-density, pressed from both sides of river and viaduct, the leftover of the city. How to fill these to different situations is an issue. With the flexibility to fit in the leftover, and with the linkage of the neighbourhood to activate the interface of the boundary. Tag 3 : Boundary of City Urban logistics system is used to find the potential site on the excising urban context, by seeking the architecture as yeast or a progenitor cell, and expanding it to a larger level. Architecture is here a component to invade to the urban scale. It is no longer a singular object but a unit that can be arrayed or expanded. The boundary is defined by the service of urban system. The three tabs, starting from an aspect of taking architecture as a singular object, try to fuzzy the boundary and even expand to the city; then zoom out to the scale of site context, no matter what the density is, to fill or fix the boundary of a site. Both of the first two tabs discuss either fuzziness or repairs the boundary, and believe the existence of boundary. The last tab, however, concerns going beyond the boundary. Logistics are not only the method of rational deduction, but also the information of urban system. The logistic system transcends the tangible boundary, not just the activities, or the site, that is free and boundless. On the other hand, it is logical and traceable, constantly changing with the entire factor in the city. The logistic index is now beyond all the tabs. The city itself is an organism, the flow of information, and the consumption of daily living. The boundary can disappear, and withstand on the mobility. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/72864 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |