Title: 行動支付之NFC貼膜的競爭力分析-以M公司為例
The Analysis on Competitiveness of Mobile Payment NFC Sim Film-The Case Study of M Company
Authors: 林進生
Lin, Chin-Sheng

Chu, Po-Young
Keywords: 行動支付;近場通訊;安全元件;手機貼膜;競爭優勢分析;Mobile payment;NFC;SE;SIM Film;SWOT
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 近年來,隨著行動設備的成熟與普及,行動商務市場發展迅速,尤其在智慧型手機市場涵蓋率越來越高的趨勢下,藉以發展出的應用也越來越多元有趣,其中,NFC行動支付因為能帶給消費者極佳的便利性,市場發展前景一直普遍被看好。然而,礙於產業生態太龐大,整合困難,經分析發現,其產業發展面臨三大困難:一、相關基礎建設不完備。二、交易安全仍有疑慮。三、產業鏈整合困難,爭搶主導權。這些因素導致其NFC相關業務的實際成長緩慢,並未如預期。 直到2011年,全球最大網路商Google結合了電信運營商,推出所謂Google Wallet來執行行動支付應用,再度觸發了市場期待,相關產業鏈重量級廠商紛紛表態投入此NFC行動支付應用發展。隨相關產業廠商積極投入推展,其中大部份瓶頸均能得以打通,唯系統運營主導之爭仍將激烈。於此項技術目前的發展方向觀察,趨勢顯然對金融銀行機構不利,因為關鍵的安全元件主流發展將傾向布建於電信系統商掌握的SIM卡內。 基於認同看好NFC行動支付之未來市場發展,個案M公司幾年前轉型投入此行動支付相關的科技創新產品研發,提出手機貼膜的SE(security element)佈建解決方案,除了能執行行動支付中的遠程支付功能,也能結合NFC手機實現近端支付應用,此方案同時協助銀行於此產業中免於被電信系統商取代的困境。 本論文針對個案研究,藉由深入了解M公司的產品及行銷推展策略,同時引用SWOT分析理論,從其外部環境中找出機會與威脅,檢視其內部核心能力,列出其所具有的優勢與所處的劣勢,研擬因應的策略,創造其企業產品的競爭力。
In recent years, the mobile Commerce market has grown fast as the increase usage of mobile device and smart phone; As the mobile payment system provides more convenience and interesting applications to customers, the market trend looks positive. However, the mobile payment industries are too big to integrate. We find out that the mobile industries encounter three major problems: first, infrastructure is not completed; second, transaction security is suspicious; third, the integration difficulty of industrial chain emerges as well as in leadership fighting. Those factors have slowed down the growth expectation of NFC related business. Until 2011, the world's largest Internet company Google collaborated with telecom operators, launched the so-called Google Wallet to perform mobile payment applications. It has triggered the market expectations again. And the related industrial heavyweight manufacturers have expressed again their support to invest NFC mobile payment application development. With the manufacturers of related industries actively involved in the promotion of a large portion of the nodes can be cleaned up, the only system operators leading dispute will remain fierce. Viewed in the direction of development of this technology, the trend is clearly adverse to the financial and banking institutions, because the mainstream development of critical safety components SE(security element) will tend to be incorporated in telecom system master SIM card. Optimistic about the future market development of NFC Mobile Payment identity, The case Company M proposed mobile phone sim film SE (security element) provisioning solutions. In addition to the implementation of the payment of activating the remote payment function, it can also be combined with NFC mobile phone proximal payment applications. This program can solve the difficulties faced by the bank in this industry. This thesis focuses on in-depth understanding of the M-company's products and marketing rollout strategy, conducting SWOT analyses identifying the opportunities and threats from its external environment and exploring to view its internal core competencies, strength and weakness, and finally analyzing the competitiveness of its enterprise products.
Appears in Collections:Thesis