標題: 結合登山運動和學術研究的認真休閒者:以楊南郡之生命史為核心的探索
The Life and Adventures of Nelson Young:A Serious Leisure Approach to His Mountaineering and Academic Research
作者: 彭秀姝
Peng, Hsiu-Chu
Shu, Wei-Der
關鍵字: 楊南郡;生命史;登山學術化;古道踏查;認真休閒;Nelson Young;life story;academic research of mountaineering;investigation of historic tracks;serious leisure careers
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 結合登山運動和學術研究的認真休閒者: 以楊南郡之生命史為核心的探索 摘要 本研究是以楊南郡的生命史為中心,藉以理解一位業餘的登山、學術研究者,一生執著無悔的登山學術之路。登山、學術研究是他的業餘休閒,為什麼投入的時間、精力甚至比一般的正職工作還要多?本文試著以「認真休閒」理論中的「生涯發展」概念為基礎,檢視楊南郡登山學術化的深度參與發展歷程,以具體呈現認真休閒意涵的「現象」,並探討楊南郡登山生涯中認真休閒形成的歷程。 本文以生命史的敘說方式行文,過程經由資料整理、分析、歸納,再進行書寫、詮釋,最後完成此生命故事的敘說。本研究將楊南郡的生命史分成四個階段,以理解他的認真休閒歷程發展現象:第一階段的登山探險萌芽時期(1931~1955),從出生到大學畢業;第二階段的百岳完登時期(1956~1976),大學畢業後進入美國空軍基地服務,為登山生涯的啟蒙,始於因生病為健康理由踏入登山世界,直至完登百岳的1976年為止;第三階段的古道踏查時期(1977~1989),完登百岳後走入另類的登山生涯,直到於「美國駐台機構」退休,告別工作崗位;以及第四階段的譯註、著作時期(1990~2012),退休之後,全心投入登山運動和學術研究。 本研究試著用Robert A. Stebbins的「serious leisure」理論理解楊南郡的登山學術化的形成,藉從分析楊南郡的登山學術之路,試圖探究認真休閒形成的歷程現象。研究發現,他的認真休閒可分登山時期、古道踏查時期和譯著期三部分,每個興趣的形成都經過四個階段:開始、發展、建立到維持,直到2013年止,三種興趣都處於維持期。三個興趣之間互相有關聯,前一個興趣的形成是後一個興趣的基礎,認同研究把它稱作是再循環,這個階段完全是建立在前一階段的基礎上,其實又有連續性,如果沒有前一期的基礎,即無法進入到後一期的發展上,由此建構出認真休閒的歷程發展模型。 關鍵字:楊南郡、生命史、登山學術化、古道踏查、認真休閒
The Life and Adventures of Nelson Young: A Serious Leisure Approach to His Mountaineering and Academic Research Abstract The purpose of this research is to investigate Nelson Yang’s strong devotion to academic research of mountaineering through the analysis of his life history. Why is Nelson, an amateur with mountaineering and academic research as his hobbies, willing to devote much of his time and energy to this business, even more than his full-time job? Based upon the notion of “serious leisure careers” from Canadian sociologist Robert A. Stebbins, this research attempts to describe Nelson’s developmental process of this specific “devotion.” After the research process of data collection, analysis, summarization, interpretation, and writing, this study uses “narrative” form to present Nelson’s life story. We try to understand his “serious leisure careers” by separating his life into four stages” --- (1). the initial stage of adventuring (1931-1955); (2). the stage of finishing “One Hundred Mountains of Taiwan” (1956-1976); (3). the stage of investigating the historical tracks (1977-1989); and (4). the stage of translation and writing (1990-2012). As far as Nelson’s “serious leisure careers” are concerned, every stage of his life history involves a specific “domain” --- mountaineering, historical tracks, or writing --- of his pursuit of serious leisure, except the initial stage of adventuring. Furthermore, excluding the initial stage, Nelson’s every other stage can be further divided into four sub-stages --- beginning, development, establishment, and maintenance. All three “domains/stages” still lie in the maintenance sub-stage, not move to the so-called “decline” sub-stage, which is proposed by Stebbins in his original works, yet. All three “domains/stages” influence each other, although the “main theme” of each stage is not the same. In other words, the former stage would be the basis of next period. Without the foundation of previous stage, it is impossible for Nelson to move to the next stage of serious leisure careers. Key words:Nelson Young, life story, academic research of mountaineering, investigation of historic tracks, serious leisure careers


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