標題: 用於 RESTful Web 服務的使用者效用導向服務代理伺服器框架與機制
A User Utility based Service Proxy Framework and Mechanism for RESTful Web Service
作者: 游傑
Yu, Chieh
John K. Zao
關鍵字: REST風格的 Web 服務;Web 代理;霧計算;游牧服務;體驗品質;基於效用的決策;RESTful web services;web proxy;fog computing;cyber foraging;quality of experience;utility based decisions
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 我們提出一個 RESTful Web 服務的服務代理框架,於使用者週邊的裝置,如家用電視機上盒 (set-up box)、個人電腦 (PC) 上安裝遍佈式 Web 服務代理伺服器,用於提供本地的 RESTful Web 服務。此種將 Web 服務由雲端負載轉移到本地端執行的方式的可以增強使用者的品質 (QoE) 與他們的移動應用程式的體驗,同時,減少他們的互聯網服務提供者和移動運營商的負荷。本文利用了包括: (1) 基於 HATEOAS 的 Web 服務代理 API 機制、服務代碼封裝及服務描述檔案。(2) 嵌入在 HTTP 標頭中的基於效用導向的體驗品質政策規範。在上述方法的幫助下,遍佈式的服務代理伺服器可以在中繼 Web 服務響應時,取得 Web 服務的執行代碼與運作行為描述,不需要人為的介入部署;且在中繼 Web 服務響應時,動態的決定是否執行本地計算負載轉移。在我們的測試中顯示其能有效的減少行動雲端應用程式的延遲時間和其資料流量服務。
We proposed an ad-hoc fog computing scheme that would install pervasive web service proxies on household servers such as television set-top boxes, smart home servers, etc. so as to provide RESTful web services to local web clients. Such a computation off-loading scheme can enhance users’ quality of experience with their mobile applications while reducing traffic load on their Internet service providers and mobile operators. The proposed scheme utilizes novel technologies including: (1) utility-modeled quality-of-experience policy specification embedded in HTTP headers, (2) HATEOAS-based web service re-direction mechanism augmented with meta-data profiles and (3) audit-based localized performance monitoring method. With their aid, the pervasive proxies can decide whether to perform local computation off-loading while relaying the web service requests. Preliminary tests demonstrated its effectiveness in reducing the service latency of a simple mobile application and its data traffic over the Internet.
Appears in Collections:Thesis