標題: 彩色濾光膜廠導入供應商管理存貨之案例研究
Implementation of Vendor Managed Inventory in CIS Color Filter Manufacturing
作者: 劉協青
Liu, Hsieh-Ching
Shan, Hsin-Yu
關鍵字: 供應商管理存貨;供應鏈管理;資訊科技;Vendor Managed Inventory;Supply Chain Management;Information Sharing
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 台灣的半導體相關製造業產,大部份為委託代工或委託設計,對於原設計廠利用各種方式要求代工廠降低成本與準時、準確交貨的壓力是每一個代工廠所要面臨的挑戰。因此企業為了滿足客戶需求及能準時達交,及因應市場快速變化調適的能力,避免不必要的存貨積壓與缺料導致生產停止是非常重要,改善供應鏈的長鞭效應,供應商管理存貨(Vendor Managed Inventory, VMI)就是一種好的方法。影像感測器之彩色濾光膜的製造材料成本高,為了降低材料庫存成本以及強化供應鏈整體競爭能力,以實施VMI在材料庫存資金降低之效益更為明顯。 本研究以某知名彩色濾光膜廠作為實作研究對象,透過實際觀察及參與實作的方式,探討該公司導入VMI的效益與影響,藉以發掘實施VMI的關鍵因子,從案例研究中,可以瞭解到VMI的實施,除了需要買賣雙方配合相關措施外,更需要建構長久合作的基礎,在多方條件都能俱備的情況下,VMI才能發揮應有的效益。
Most of the semiconductor-related manufacturing in Taiwan are OEM or entrust OEM design companies. To reduce cost and delivery in time are requested by the original design company and become critical for each OEM. Therefore, in order to meet the demand, delivery in time and quickly adapt to marketing change, it is very important to avoid unnecessary stock and material shortage. Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) is a good method to improve the bullwhip effect in supply chain. Image sensor color filter are high cost of materials. In order to reduce the cost of stocking and enhance the competitiveness of the supply chain, implementing VMI plays an important role and could create significant benefit. In this study, a well-known color filter company is taken as a research object. Investigating the impact and benefit by implementing VMI into this company to figure out the key successful factors and difficulties of the process. From this case study, implementing VMI and getting the best benefit do not only require both buyers and sellers to take make necessary adjustments but also need to have operational condition ready and build up a basis of long-term cooperation.