标题: 物联网无线电波功率延迟模型之建立与验证-应用于冷链物流恒温箱之连网
Radio Channel Power Delay Profile Modeling and Verification for IOT-Applied to the Sensor Networking of Thermostatic Containers in Cold Chain Logistics
作者: 郭育源
Guo, Yu-Yuan
Tarng, Jenn-Hwan
关键字: 物联网;冷链物流;电波通道;功率延迟模型;IOT;Cold Chain Logistics;Radio Channel;Power Delay Profile Modeling
公开日期: 2013
摘要: 物联网是指将所有的物品结合射频辨识与感测设备来读取物品资讯,并连结至
但是当恒温箱的温湿度资讯要透过电波在这个物连网的无线电通道环境传播时, 其金属环境会造成强烈的多重路径反射,并且恒温箱本身会导致无线电波被散射或吸收的特性。然而,此一多路径效应可能会对传送讯号造成干扰,因此为了确保有良好的通讯品质,有必要对此一通道环境建立功率延迟模型并加以验证,然而,就我们所知,目前全世界似乎未有此一通道研究。
因此本论文将针对脉冲响应之功率延迟(Power Delay Profile)建立模型,分别提出两种方法,一种是可决定的方法(Deterministic Approach),主要透过镜像法则(Image Method)与闸门合并(Gating)来建立模型;另一种则是透过统计方法(Statistical Approach),主要应用卜瓦松模型(Poisson Model)或Δ-K模型(Δ-K Model)来对功率延迟建立模型,并且我们发现以Δ-K模型对功率延迟建模更为适合,并且其参数K值介于0.66至0.77,其路径之间相关性低,有独立抵达的趋势。
The Internet of things(IOT) is sending the information of objects to a platform by combining radio identification technology and wireless sensor network. The freezer is a metal cabinet in cold chain logistics, and there are many more containers inside the cabinet. Applying wireless sensor network to containers and sending information of containers are exactly the internet of things.
But when the information of containers sent by radio wave which propagating in a metal environment, there is strongly multipath effect. And the radio wave may scattered or absorbed by the container. Hence, multipath effect may interfere the transmitted signal. For this reason, we need to model and verify for the power delay profile. However, it seems no one had studied this issue before.
we use two approach to model PDP. One is deterministic approach, which combines image method and gating to model PDP. The other is statistical approach which comprises Poisson model and Δ-K model to model PDP. Finally, Δ-K model is suitable for modeling, and its parameter K is between 0.66 to 0.77. That means there is low correlation between multipath.