標題: 零售業使用數位內容科技意向之研究
A Study on the Intention to Use Digital Content Information Technology in Retail Stores
作者: 賴國良
Lai, Guo-Liang
Sha, D. Y.
Perng, Der-Baau
關鍵字: 無線射頻;智慧購物;數位內容;科技接受模式;結構方程模式;RFID;Intelligent Shopping;Digital Content;TAM;SEM
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本論文主旨在探討消費者於零售商店消費過程中,使用智慧辨識及數位內容資訊科技協助消費流程意願關鍵因素之研究。研究將分成兩個階段進行,第一階段先透過與個案公司合作發展之「智慧導覽購物系統」的過程與實務運用,進行個案研究探討;其後第二階段再以科技接受模式為基礎,提出一個理論架構模型,亦即「數位內容科技接受模式」,來解釋與架構出影響消費者在零售商店中使用數位內容資訊科技意願,同時透過問卷調查使用結構方程模式將測量模式與路徑模式分別做驗證。 第一階段個案研究中所發展之「智慧導覽購物系統」實際導入零售商店進行實驗的結果確實對商店服務品質有著正面影響,而且本研究與零售業量販店、超市、便利商店以及網路商店等四種經營模式,就展店空間、投資成本、購物速度、購物環境、實物鑑賞、商品種類、商品利潤、商品資訊以及舒適度等指標比較後發現,智慧導覽購物的經營模式兼具了超市和網路商店的優勢並可有較大的利潤空間,值得進一步研究推廣。 第二階段研究結果顯示本研究提出之「數位內容科技接受模式」經由結構方程模式檢驗後具有信度及效度,且各構面假設均呈現顯著。外生變數「回饋」構面影響「知覺有用性」與外生變數「介面簡單性」構面影響「知覺易用性」相當高,顯示資訊系統能快速回饋有用資訊以及簡單的操作介面對於增進其後續使用意願是相當重要的。由於智慧型行動裝置的普及與介面使用越來越簡單,使用者越來越重視的是「知覺有用性」的效果。因此本研究建議當資源有限時,業者可優先投入和改善「回饋」之功能組合,並與零售商合作瞭解那些是消費者關注之需求,提供即時與關鍵消費資訊,並同時分析整合消費者使用過程中相關資料,以形成有價值的資訊提供給使用者。
This paper aims to identify the critical factors that affect shopping intention of consumers while using smart digital content technology at a retail store. Study will be divided into two phases, the first phase explores through development and practical use of the case company's "smart navigation shopping system"; then the second stage proposes "digital content technology acceptance model" to explain the customer’s intention to use smart digital content information technology and perform structural equation modeling method to test this model. The results of first phase show that this system can indeed have a positive impact on the service quality improvement for retail stores. And we find the business model of "smart navigation shopping system" compares to the traditional stores with the space required, investment costs, shopping speed, shopping environment, real merchandise appreciation, types of merchandise, profits, merchandise information and comfort, this model has advantages of the supermarket and online shopping and may have more profit margins. It’s worthy of further research and promotion. The results of second phase strongly support that the simplification of user interface and proper information feedback are the important factors to affect the customer’s intention to use smart digital content information technology. As the popularity of smart mobile devices, users give more attention in "perceived usefulness" effect. Therefore, this study suggests that when resources are limited, the priority investment is the function of "feedback". That is, to understand the demands of consumers concerned and to provide immediate information to consumers.


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