Title: 無線射頻辨識技術於水利設施之應用
Application of RFID technology in hydraulic facilities
Authors: 林鴻顯
Lin, Hung-Hsien
Wu, Yung-Chao
Keywords: 無線射頻辨識;水利設施;全球定位系統;地理資訊系統;Radio frequency identification;hydraulic facilities;Global Positioning System;Geographic Information Systems
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 水利單位的管理者要改善傳統設施巡檢的管理模式,應利用資訊系統技術來達成更有效率的作業流程,協助第一線稽查工作人員獲得高績效、低成本的工作程序,進而得以創造資訊分析的最大效益。由於傳統的水利設施巡檢主要以人工作業模式,採用巡邏簽到與書面記錄的作法,此種勤務執行程序及設施稽核流程時常發生管理上的疏漏,主要缺失包括書面文件的抄錄、保存與建檔等程序耗工費時;巡檢不確實,會有補簽等失職事件。為了提高巡檢人員作業效能,同時讓水利設施監控管理更加便捷,應可利用資訊系統的模式來加以輔助,以利巡檢作業效能的提升。水利設施系統是所有農業的命脈;由於臺灣地區水利設施的涵蓋範圍遼闊,傳統人工記錄的作業模式實難滿足即時監控的資訊需求,其記錄的資訊內容亦無法被有效利用與分享;本研究透過RFID技術,藉由行動裝置設備的可攜性與資訊擷取的即時性,提高水利設施的巡檢作業效率,更結合GPS及GIS技術,動態維護巡檢的路徑軌跡與設施狀況,改善傳統人工稽核的管理效能,並降低資料錯誤的困擾,做為灌溉渠道地籍查核、及農作種植現況調查之依據,進而提高水利設施的管理效能。 關鍵詞:無線射頻辨識(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID)、水利設施(hydraulic facilities), 全球定位系統(Global Positioning System, GPS)、地理資訊系統(Geography Information System, GIS)
Unit managers to improve water conservancy facilities inspection traditional management model should make use of information systems technology to achieve more efficient processes, to assist front-line staff of inspectors to obtain high performance, low-cost procedures, and thus able to create information maximum benefit analysis. Due to the traditional inspection mode to manual operation, using patrol sign with the practice of writing, performing procedures such service and facilities management audit process frequent oversight, major deficiencies including written documents transcribed, preservation and archiving, etc. time-consuming work program; inspection is not true that there will be retroactive and other dereliction of events. To improve the performance of inspection personnel operations, while allowing easier monitoring and management of water conservancy facilities, information systems should be able to use the pattern to be supplemented in order to facilitate inspection job performance improvement. Irrigation systems are all the lifeblood of agriculture; Since Taiwan vast scope of water conservancy facilities, the traditional manual recording mode of operation is difficult to meet the information needs of real-time monitoring, which records information about their contents can not be an effective use and sharing. This study use RFID technology, with mobile devices and portable devices real-time information retrieval, and improve the efficiency of water conservancy facilities inspection operations, and more combine GPS and GIS technology, dynamic maintenance inspection path trajectory and condition of the facilities, improving the traditional manual audit of management efficiency and reduces data errors plagued as irrigation channels cadastral checking, and planting crops according to the status of the investigation, and to improve irrigation management performance. Keywords: Radio frequency identification, hydraulic facilities, Global Positioning System, , Geographic Information Systems.
Appears in Collections:Thesis