Title: RFID應用於冷鏈產銷履歷之研究
The Study of RFID Application in Cold Chain Traceability
Authors: 許凱創
Hsu, Kai-Chuan
Chen, Mu-Chen
Keywords: 無線射頻辨識;冷鏈;產銷履歷;Radio-frequency identification;cold chain;traceability
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 食品安全乃近年來各國重視之議題,「產銷履歷」一詞應運而生,從食品自原料至販賣消費者的種種資訊,皆屬產銷履歷範疇。在食品供應鏈中,「冷鏈」為需要低溫保存的供應鏈,不論在倉儲或是物流階段,都需要溫度的監控。無線射頻辨識(Radio-Frequency Identification, RFID)亦為新興之技術,目前已廣泛的應用於供應鏈管理中。由於無線射頻辨識技術擁有優越的性能,因此將其應用於冷鏈產銷履歷,進行即時的溫度監控,將提升冷鏈的安全性。

Food safety is an issue that countries world wide highly respect in recent years. “Food traceability” comes from food safety and represents all information from farm to fork. “Cold chain” is a supply chain needs temperature monitoring and control in every stage. Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) is a newly developed technology that has been widely used in supply chain management. With great functions, RFID applications in cold chain will provide temperature monitoring and enable food safety.

This thesis will review the laws and standards of traceability, and provide some advises with comparing traceability systems between Taiwan and other countries. Induce traceability information and RFID applications in cold chain through literature review in order to provide visibility in cold chain and increase food safety.
Appears in Collections:Thesis