標題: 教學建物整建之機能空間配置求解模式
A Process Model for Function-Space Assignment of Educational Building Remodeling Project
作者: 蕭汎儀
Hsiao, Fan-Yi
Dzeng, Ren-Jye
關鍵字: 機能空間最適配置、無線射頻辨識系統、快速混元基因演算法、使用者活動模擬、使用者移動模擬.;Optimal function-space assignment, Radio frequency identification (RFID), Fast messy genetic algorithms (fmGA), Activity simulation, Movement simulation.
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 建物透過整建為使建物活化利用之一種有效方式,尤其空間重新配置適當機能後,為提升既有建物服務表現之其中之一重要方法,然過去建物之整建,多半為基於建築師及建物管理者代表主觀地理解使用者,而非有系統地量化評估建物機能空間配置表現。本研究針對既有教學建物,提出一套建物機能空間配置之求解輔助模式。首先建立無線射頻辨識系統(RFID)之使用者空間移動追蹤定位環境,以及使用者活動模擬等兩種型式,以實際收集/模擬產生使用者空間移動資料,再進而探勘使用者空間移動樣式,接著運用快速混元基因演算法(fmGA),求解既有建物機能空間最佳之配置。最後再以使用者移動模擬模式,驗證建物新配置之服務表現,其中建物服務表現評估包括使用者移動距離、通道流量、以及其它空間使用率等相關類型指標。另外,此模式並提供建物管理者一個使用者空間移動模擬之2D/3D動畫展現。
Building renovation is an effective way to revive the use of a building. Especially, assigning appropriate functions to building spaces is one of the most important factors in determining the use performance of an existing building. However, in architectural practice, architects and building owners renovate buildings based on their personal subjective perceptions of how occupants use the building instead of systematically analyzing their use behaviors. This study proposes a process model for function-space assignment of educational building remodeling project. First, the model tracks/generates the occupants' movement data in a building by RFID equipment or activity simulation technique. The model then mines the movement data by constructing patterns and calculating the relation values between functions. Next, the fmGA is employed to identify the optimal result of function assignment. Finally, a movement simulation technique is adopted to verify the result and support the decision-making of function-space assignment. Besides, the model provides some indexes related to the measurement of service performance of a building and demonstrate the occupants' movement trajectory in 2D/ 3D animations to help administrators to find the best assignment.


  1. 680201.pdf

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