Title: 3D顯示器互動介面技術之人因研究
Human Factor Research for User Interface of 3D Display
Authors: 蔡登曜
Tsai, Teng-Yao
Huang, Yi-Pai
Keywords: 人機互動;立體顯示器;三維互動;人因研究;使用者介面;觸控位置;Human-Computer Interaction;3D Display;3D Interaction;Human Factor Research;User Interface;Touching Position
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract:   為了讓人類更輕鬆地操作計算機裝置,人機互動(Human-computer interaction)的發展是近幾年重要的研究主題之一。而立體顯示器(3D display)的發展也越來越受到一般大眾的歡迎,因此有了非常多元的應用。為了追求更真實更直覺的人機互動體驗,在三維空間上與三維影像互動勢必會成為未來發展的主流。然而三維影像是由左右眼觀看不同影像融合成帶有深度資訊的虛擬影像。當虛擬影像受到真實物件干擾容易造成人眼立體視覺的誤判,使得人眼不容易判斷出合理的深度資訊。所以與三維影像互動需要重新定義適當的操作位置。
  本研究之主要目的是為了提供合適的操作環境參數給立體顯示器的人機互動介面。在過程中發現影響人眼立體視覺誤判的兩大主因為視差角(Angular disparity)與遮蔽效應(Blocking phenomenon)。由於單眼對焦(Accommodation)與雙眼匯聚(Convergence)的不一致使得較大的視差角在判斷觸碰(Touching)與否的正確性(Correctness)下降。而遮蔽效應則會使這個問題變得更嚴重,不同的遮蔽比例(Blocking ratio)會影響觀察者判斷的正確率。因此,本研究根據不同的視差角與遮蔽比例統計觀察者的觸控範圍(Touching range),並且根據合適的三維虛擬物件大小(Suitable size of 3D virtual object)定義出適當的觸控位置(Appropriate touching position)。本研究也提供了不同的操作模式的設計建議,例如:增加虛擬參考物(Virtual reference)與加入影像信息反饋(Image feedback)。三維人機互動的設計者可以根據本研究提供的設計建議設計出更符合人性的人機互動介面。
In recent years, human-computer interaction and 3D displays has attracted more and more attentions. Hence, to interact or even touch with virtual 3D image on three-dimensional space must be the tendency in the future in order to accomplish more intuitive and natural experience. However, 3D image is fused by showing different images to left and right eye. When the virtual image is interrupted by a real object, such as fingertip, the judgment of stereoscopic vision easily makes confused, thus the user cannot perceive reasonable depth information. Therefore, the working range (position) of interaction/touch with 3D images should be defined carefully.
The objective of this research is to provide appropriate operational environment references for user interface of 3D display. Angular disparity and blocking phenomenon are found that are main factors which affect the judgment of stereoscopic vision. The correctness of judgment in large angular disparity is reduced because of discrepancy between accommodation and convergence, as well as the blocking ratios. Therefore, this dissertation provides appropriate touching position according to suitable size of 3D virtual object as the designing suggestion. Different operational conditions, such as adding virtual reference and giving image feedback, can enhance the virtual touching correctness. Finally, the interface designer of 3D human-computer interaction can refer to the results for more intuitive user interface.
Appears in Collections:Thesis