Title: 傾倒式藝術繪畫系統
Pour Art Painting System
Authors: 盧詩萍
Lu, Shih-Ping
Wong, Sai-Keung
Keywords: 傾倒式藝術;流體模擬;繪畫系統;pour art;fluid simulation;painting system
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 在這篇論文中,我們提出了一個傾倒式藝術繪畫系統。我們主要著重於傾倒式藝術繪畫系統的開發,並且能夠即時處理流體的模擬與渲染。本系統可以分為三個部分:物理流體模擬、流體渲染和傾倒式藝術系統使用者介面。我們使用基於光滑粒子動力學的方法模擬流體當作傾倒式藝術系統中的顏料。在流體渲染方面,我們參考了NVIDIA在「屏幕空間流體渲染」這篇論文中所提出的技術。此外,我們使用CUDA來操作GPU進行平行運算,藉此提高系統的效能。在傾倒式藝術繪畫系統方面,我們主要提供了兩種作畫方式,第一種是使用者可以隨意的自由作畫,依據滑鼠指標的移動軌跡勾畫出圖像。第二種是使用者在系統中添加一些障礙物,並且可以移動該障礙物和流體互動。提供良好的使用者介面是我們工作項目之一,我們使用了一些技術以期能夠讓使用者更加方便和直觀地繪畫。
In this thesis, we propose a pour art painting system. Our focus is on the development of pour art painting system and handling of the fluid simulation and rendering real time. Our system can be divided into three parts: physical fluid simulation, fluid rendering and pour art system user interface. We use a method based on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) to simulate fluids as the paints in our pour art system. For the fluid rendering, we refer to the technique discussed by NVIDIA in the paper, Screen Space Fluid Rendering for Game. We use CUDA to operate GPU-based parallel computing ability. We mainly provide two ways to paint. Firstly, users can be paint freely, and painting lines by movements of an user's cursor. Secondly, users can add some obstacles interact with the fluid. Providing a good user interface is one of the projects we work. We use some of the techniques so that users can paint both easily and intuitively.
Appears in Collections:Thesis