Title: 應用於2.5D異質整合生物感測微系統之矽載板資料傳輸
On-Interposer Data Communication for 2.5D Heterogeneously Integrated Bio-Sensing Microsystems
Authors: 林毓柔
Lin, Yu-Rou
Chuang, Ching-Te
電子工程學系 電子研究所
Keywords: 2.5D;矽基板上匯流排;序列周邊介面;階層式封包技術;虛擬多重主設備;2.5D異質整合;2.5D;on-interposer bus;serial peripheral interface;hierarchical packetization technique;pseudo multi-master;2.5D heterogeneously integrated
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 2.5D製程整合使得晶片與晶片之間的資料傳遞就像是在晶片內部的導線上傳遞,因為矽基板(interposer)可以使晶片對晶片的資料溝通變得更快速且擁有更低的功耗。本篇論文提出並設計出一個矽基板上匯流排(on-interposer bus),稱作μ-SPI(serial peripheral interface),此匯流排架構可以提供2.5D異質整合系統低功耗訊號傳遞。

μ-SPI的協定架構是利用階層式封包技術來設計,而此架構是建立在傳統SPI之物理層基礎上。在μ-SPI中,資料的寬度可從一個至八個位元;此外,為了要降低封包標頭(packet header)的長度,我們利用階層式封包技術將標頭分為兩層,第一層的標頭長度是固定的,可以用來表示此封包的功能;第二層標頭的長度是可變的,可以用來提供大範圍的資料長度指示、多個從設備的選擇以及不同的資料地址長度。除此之外,我們提出一個虛擬多重主設備(pseudo multi-master)來取代傳統多重主設備的仲裁電路(arbitration circuits),透過單一主設備的控制權傳輸,可用來設定在主從模組中的主從標誌(MS_Flag);因此,在同一時間只會有一個主設備存在。此外,我們將此論文所提出的μ-SPI應用在一個2.5D異質整合之生物感測微系統上,當矽基板上的電壓及操作頻率分別為1.8V及100 KHz時,所提出的矽基板上匯流排之平均功耗僅23.2 µW。
2.5D integration allow to inter-chip communication between multiple chips with intra-chip interconnects. The interposer provides fast and low power chip-to-chip communication. In this thesis, an on-interposer bus (μ-SPI, serial peripheral interface) is presented for providing low power data communication in 2.5D heterogeneous integrations.

The protocol of μ-SPI is designed by a hierarchical packetization technique based on the physical layer of SPI. The data width of μ-SPI is from 1-bit to 8-bit. To reduce the overhead of the header, the header of a packet is divided into two levels by the hierarchical packetization technique. The length of 1st level header is fixed for indicating the functionality of this packet. Based on the information of 1st level header, the 2nd level header is variable for providing wide range of the burst length, broadcasting selection and variable address. Moreover, a pseudo multi-master is proposed to replace the arbitration circuits via master passing. Only 1 master can exist by controlling MS_Flag in master/slave modules. The proposedμ-SPI is utilized in a 2.5D heterogeneously integrated bio-sensing microsystem. The average power of this on-interposer bus is only 23.2 µW at 1.8V and 100 KHz.
Appears in Collections:Thesis