標題: 臺灣夜市餐具設計
Tableware design of Taiwan night market
作者: 林柏宏
Lin, Bo-Hong
Lin, Ming-Huang
關鍵字: 臺灣夜市;飲食文學;文化;產品設計;Taiwan night market;dietary literature;culture;industrial design
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 在臺灣,約有兩百多個大大小小不等的夜市,舉凡每個縣市鄉鎮幾乎都有夜市的蹤跡,夜市為臺灣眾多的特色之一,在這裡你可以發現當地的人文特色、融入當地環境,也能隨著群眾的嬉鬧聲解除煩憂,而在地的小吃攤販更是一大賣點;近年來隨著國內觀光的興盛,臺灣在地的美食逐漸在國際間嶄露頭角。 本研究大致分為文獻探討和設計創作兩部分,第一部分文獻探討透過閱讀相關文獻,用以了解夜市的變遷和其類型,以及聞名於世界的小吃美食,和飲食文學和文化來探討和小吃的關連,第二部分設計創作則藉由直接觀察法,在夜市中觀察遊客在食用小吃所會產生的問題進行概念的發散,待解決問題的概念確定後,再由食物本身的原由和歷史起源尋找可做為視覺符碼的轉換,最後歸納出各重點:1.重新探討遊客使用餐具的流程,逐步分解並解決其問題點。2. 較常讓遊客邊走邊吃的小吃,對於該食具安全問題進行探討。3.將食物的起源和來由透過視覺符碼化融入設計,牽起與餐具的連結。4.控制收納問題和成本費用,讓小吃攤販業者對於創新的設計接受度提升。 最後設計大致區分為內用和外帶,內用著重於食物的特色與餐具的連結,外帶的設計則著重於解決食用所造成的問題,研究結果共計四件:「波霸奶茶杯」、「臭豆腐盤」、「燒麻糬叉盤組」、「大腸包小腸袋」,於國立交通大學藝術中心展出。
There are about two hundred night markets in Taiwan. You may find them in every country. Night market is one of Taiwan features, you could discover the local culture and relax with laughing of local people there. The most famous of Taiwan night market is small eats vendor (Xiaochi vendor).Taiwan local small eats started to stand out from international, cause Taiwan tourism is popular recently. This thesis includes literary reviews and design development in substance. The first part literary reviews is to understand night market types, history changing, famous small eats in Taiwan and relation among dietary literature, culture and food .The second part design development is to find out the problem of eating processes in night market by direct observational method, then turning the history of small eats to the symbol transforming after concepts are decided. Finally summarized four point : (1) Figure out the problem of eating processes through set step apart. (2) To improve the dangerous problem of tableware which is ofren used as walking eating. (3)To connect tableware outer shape looking and history of food by symbol transforming. (4)To make tableware stackable and control cost of production, so vendors might take those kind of innovation. Finally tablewares are separated to For-here and To-go. The point of For-here is connection between food history and tableware itself. To-go’s point is solve the problem of eating processes. Research result include: Boba double-wall cup, crispy-keeping plate, easy-cutting plate & fork and flexible bag.They would exhibit at National Chiao Tung University Arts Center.


  1. 251601.pdf

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