標題: 使用狀態圖在工作流程規格上進行定義Artifacts確認
Using State Diagrams to Validate Artifact Specifications on Primitive Workflow Schema
作者: 許薰任
關鍵字: 工作流程;資料;驗證;狀態圖;workflow;artifact;validation;state transition;state diagram
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 資料在工作流程設計中扮演一個重要角色。雖然主導流程設計是以控制為主,但對於資料操作的相對關係,仍可造成工作流程執行錯誤或遺漏資訊等等。對於工作流程中資料的相關研究,總是遠遠少於對於工作流程結構正確性的研究;更甚者,資料常被視為資源的一部份,只對著墨於如何分配於各工作上或透過介面化的存取等,對於操作的正確性與相對於控制流的一致性,卻鮮少被提及。本篇論文著眼於驗證資料的正確性,並提供一設計方法便於擷取資料操作資訊,同時此方法也適用於工作流程再用與再設計。針對資料的驗證,我們提出六大資料錯誤與偵測演算法。未來,將在把資源分析與權限認證研究導入本設計方法。
Structural correctness and resource allocation are two major topics of workflow researches, but few researchers are interested in artifact analysis. A workflow execution may fail because of incorrect structures or resource conflict. On the other hand, inaccurate artifact manipulation will bring some problems during workflow execution too, e.g., inconsistency between data flow and control flow, contradictions between artifact operations…, etc. The thesis studies a model, compatible with most models for specifications, and thus a simple methodology for validating the use of artifacts. In the model, we also present a bottom-up workflow design method based on artifact operations. The concept of state transitions for artifacts is adopted to construct six types of artifact inaccuracy impacting on workflow execution, and inaccuracy detection algorithms in order to validate artifact usages in workflow specifications.
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