標題: 搭配人工視網膜晶片之高解析度影像投射系統硬體設計
The Hardware Design of High Resolution Image Projection System For Retina Prosthesis Chip
作者: 鄒添財
關鍵字: 硬體設計;The Hardware Design
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本篇論文主要是提出一個搭配人工視網膜晶片的高解析度影像投射系統硬體電路設計,主要是利用CMOS攝影鏡頭擷取外界的影像資訊後,再透過高解析度OLED顯示器顯示外界影像,再經過2片自由曲面之光學鏡片,將顯示器之內容反射放大後投射至人眼[1],再搭配人工視網膜晶片,刺激視網膜神經細胞,重建部分視力,使眼睛患有視網膜色素變性(Retinitis Pigmentosa, RP)或是患有老年黃斑部退化(Age-Related Macular Degeneration,AMD)等視網膜退化疾病的病患 ,恢復部分視力[2]。 本論文硬體系統設計,首先是主要元件的選用,包括CMOS Sensor攝像鏡頭規格選用、OLED微顯示器的規格選用、微處理器MCU規格選用,其次是電路設計,包括影像控制主板的電路設計,COMS電路板的設計及OLED 電路板的設計。其中影像控制主板,內含系統電源電路的設計及提供給視網膜晶片內太陽電池所需IR LED的電路設計,其中CMOS Sensor影像輸出及OLED微型顯示器輸入訊號,選用了複合端子界面(Composite video signal,相關簡介參考附錄1 ),如此CMOS Sensor 攝像鏡頭擷取到的外界影像訊號直接輸出至OLED微型顯示器,影像訊號不需再經過FPGA IC進行影像處理,故電路設計上可節省FPGA IC的使用,而且本系統採用的OLED微型顯示器的解析度為傳統型的6倍,並達到電路體積小型化的目的,使整個系統更輕巧。
This paper presents the hardwave design of theretina prosthesis chip with the high resolution image projection . The system use the CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) cameras captured image information from outside , then through a high-resolution OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) display external images. then through the two free-form surfaces of optical lenses , Then with artificial retina chip to stimulate retinal neurons to reconstruct the partial vision . The hardwave design of High Resolution Image Projection System include the specification selection of the CMOS imaging Sensor , the specification selection of the OLED microdisplay, and the specification selection of MCU(Microcontroller Unit), the power supply circuit design, the IR LED circuit design for the internal solar charging of retina chip ,the MCU driver development.The CMOS Sensor Video output and OLED microdisplays video input used the composite video input signals interface,the CMOS Sensor imaging lens captured the video signals can be output directly outside to OLED microdisplays (852x480 pixel),the video signals do not need to use the FPGA IC for image processing. The circuit design can be used to save FPGA IC, and the system uses the OLED display has a resolution of miniature traditional five times and achieve the purpose of small size circuit .
Appears in Collections:Thesis