標題: 知識服務供應鏈模式之建立與應用-以圖書館為例
Establishing and Application of Knowledge Service Supply Chain Model
作者: 高薇雅
關鍵字: 知識服務;供應鏈模式;知識供需;knowledge service;supply chain model;supply and demand of knowledge
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 面對知識經濟的來勢洶洶,知識已儼然成為企業的重要競爭力之一。企業 必須比從前更準確、更快速地掌握終端使用者的需求與上下游狀況,才能即時 調整組織策略以因應改變。因此,決策者若能以供應鏈整體的概觀角度來俯瞰 知識供需關係,將有助於企業提升知識服務能力,並增加企業競爭優勢。 本研究依循傳統理論中供應鏈運作之概念,分析知識供需關係,並採用焦 點團體訪談法做為質性研究方法,重新分析知識供需活動中各節點的角色與功 能,建構出「知識服務供應鏈模式」。並透過圖書館知識服務供應鏈做為本研 究之模擬情境驗證,以新的觀點重新審視圖書館的定位,引導出未來圖書館在 知識服務上的發展方向。
With the future trend of knowledge economy, knowledge has become an important competitiveness for enterprises. Companies must grasp the needs of end users and downstream conditions more precisely and quickly than ever, in order to adjust strategies immediately in response to changes in the organization. Therefore, if decision makers could make a comprehensive observation of the knowledge-based supply chain relationship in a whole, it will help enterprises to enhance their knowledge of service capabilities, and increase their competitive advantages. The study follows the traditional concept of the theory of supply chain operations, analyzes the relationship between supply and demand of knowledge with the use of focus group interviews (FGI) as a qualitative research method to re-analyze the role and function of each node in the knowledge activities of the domain chain, and thus construct a model of "Knowledge-Based Service Supply Chain". Taking the library service supply chain as the validation simulation of the constructed model, this study re-examine the role of the library in a new perspective to guide the knowledge services of the libraries into the future.