標題: 智慧型手機消費者品牌形象對品牌忠誠度影響關係之研究
The Influence of Brand Image on Brand Loyalty of Smart Phone Consumers
作者: 黃姿蓉
Huang, Tzu-Jung
Chen, Quang-Hua
關鍵字: 品牌形象;品牌忠誠度;智慧型手機;Brand Image;Brand Loyalty;Smart Phone
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本研究探討智慧型行動電話消費者之購買行為,以及智慧型行動電話品牌形象對智慧型行動電話消費者品牌忠誠度之影響。其中,本研究於人口統計變數中,加入世代變數,以探討不同世代的智慧型行動電話消費者於購買行為之購買動機、資訊來源與產品屬性評估準則是否存在差異,亦探討不同世代智慧型行動電話消費者對智慧型行動電話品牌形象重視程度和其品牌忠誠度是否存在相關。 本研究回收有效樣本共計447份。研究發現:不同世代的智慧型行動電話消費者其購買動機、產品屬性評估準則以及品牌忠誠度之對競爭者免疫構面方面均具有差異。同時,當智慧型行動電話品牌之功能性品牌形象、象徵性品牌形象和經驗性品牌形象越佳,智慧型行動電話消費者的品牌忠誠度則越高。其中,經驗性品牌形象影響力最大,象徵性品牌形象影響力最小。
The main purpose of this thesis is to survey the smartphone consumers’ purchase behavior and to study the influence of the smartphone’s brand image on the brand loyalty. Furthermore, the study added the generation variable derived from the demographic variables to find whether the generations of smartphone consumers in their purchasing behavior have significantly of diiference from purchase motivation, information resource, and product attribute, brand image, and brand loyalty. According to the empirical result find out of the 447 effective questionnaires collected by the study, two main results were reached. The purchase motivation, information resource, product attribute, and the degree of the immunity to competitive brand of brand loyalty are varied by generation. Moreover, the other result also showed that the functional brand image, the symbolic brand image, and the experiential brand image all positively influenced the brand loyalty of smartphone consumers, and the order of the influence of the three brand images are the experiential brand image, the functional brand image, and the symbolic brand image.
Appears in Collections:Thesis