標題: 單形環面上的等譜問題
Isospectral problem on simplicial tori
作者: 蔡志奇
Tsai, Chih-Chi
Kang, Ming-Hsuan
關鍵字: 單形環面;PGL(Q1);Bruhat-Tits;simplicial tori
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 這篇論文主要是討論特定圖型的等譜性這個古老的圖論問題。其中, 我們將目標放在從PGL(Q1) 的Bruhat-Tits 結構得到的單形環面, 並從他們的zeta 函數中所得的譜來討論哪些單形環面可以被他們的 譜所決定。
The goal of this paper is to discuss the classical isospectral problem in graph theory for a particular type of graphs. We focus on finite regular simplicial tori arising from the Bruhat-Tits building of PGL3(Q1) and study which kinds of simplicial tori can be uniquely determined by their spectra via graph zeta functions.
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