標題: 田園都市?一個新竹農村社區的城鄉想像與爭議
Pastoral Urbanism:Urban-rural reimaginations and controversies in a Hsinchu farming community
作者: 江沛靜
關鍵字: 發展主義;新竹都市發展;土地徵收;農民(社區)運動;Developmentalist;Urban development in HsinChu;land expropriation;Peasant (community)Movement
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 近年來以都市計畫、都市更新或是以各種經濟發展為號召,進而衍伸出土地開發、徵收等土地問題,已成為台灣社會議論且必須思考的問題。本研究中的田野地是一個位在新竹市中的農村社區,在過去三、四十年中歷經了新竹市工業化與都市化擴張等影響,農村社區正處於改變的交叉路口。 新竹市的都市發展與地方發展息息相關且密不可分,在探究農村社區發展的可能性之前,本研究首先綜觀了整體新竹市的工業發展與再工業化,而工業的擴張進而促使新竹市在八九十年代產生城市意識並且開始加快都市化的腳步。其次探究工業與都市的發展對農村社區所產生的生活影響與空間變化。 最後,針對近年來使農村社區發展躊躇不前的都市計畫做整體的探究,並發現居民在多次的地方發展與土地編列議題之後,對農村社區的未來有了多樣化的想像與思考。農村社區雖然仍在納入都市與保有田園夢之間猶豫,但卻也為現今一面發展為各式產業園區與摩登新大樓趨勢之下保有再溝通的可能。
Recently, the urban planning, renewal or any kind of economic development, instead of causing the problems of land development、expropriation and such as, have become the social key issue to be discussed and considered in Taiwan. In this research, we investigate a field, which is located in the countryside in Hsinchu City. In the past thirty to forty decades, this place has experienced the industrialization and urbanization expansion, and now it is standing in the intersection of change. The urbanization and local development of Hsin-Chu city are connected closely. Before investigating the possibility of Town-Country Development, firstly the industrialization of Hsinchu City is seen from a general perspective. Accompanying with the expansion of industrial development of Hsinchu City, the urban consciousness was raised, and the promotion of urbanization was speeded up in 1980s and 1990s. Secondly the impact of industrialization and urbanization on the life and space variation of rural community is investigated. Lastly, the reason to make the urbanization of rural community slow down are studied and is found that the rural residents have full of imagination and thought after each time the discussion of local development. Therefore the communication channel is still open for the rural community to face and to accept the future trend of modernization and the development of different kinds of industrial parks.