Title: 臺灣面板業自動光學檢測設備廠商競爭力指標評價表建立之研究
A Study of the Competition Indicators Form of Automatic Optical Inspection Equipment Companies in Taiwan TFT-LCD Industry
Authors: 聶先琪
Nieh, Hsien-Chi
Chiang, Chi
Keywords: 面板業;自動光學檢測;競爭力;層級分析法;TFT-LCD(Thin Film Transistor-Liquid Crystal Display);Automatic Optical Inspection(AOI);Competition performance;Analytic hierarchy process approach(AHP)
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 本研究擬以臺灣面板業自動光學檢測設備廠商作為研究對象,透過文獻探討、專家學者訪談、重要性分析及層級分析等方法,產出一套客觀而具體的競爭力指標評價表,供面板大廠作為評選自動光學檢測設備廠商之工具,並提供自動光學檢測設備業者發展核心能力與改善績效之重點,期使相關體系更有效率及競爭力。最終得出之五大競爭力評價構面及構面下23項指標之整體權重彙整如下:
The objective of this research is mainly focused on automatic optical inspection(AOI)equipment companies in Taiwan Thin Film Transistor-Liquid Crystal Display(TFT-LCD)industry. It captured both industry and academic expert opinion through literature review and expert survey. Analytic hierarchy process approach(AHP)was applied to develop an objective evaluation method and a specific rating scale with competition performance appraisal indicators and weights. The evaluation tool can be used not only to select outsourcing partners by AOI equipment companies but also to develop core competencies and improve performance of priority items by AOI providers. The finding of this research eventually yielded five competition appraisal dimensions and twenty-three secondary indicators which can be summarized as follows:
I.Customer Service Appraisal Dimension(Overall weights of five indicators:27.1%)
II.Personnel Dimension(Overall weights of two indicators:22.5%)
III.Equipment Functional Efficacy Dimension(Overall weights of three indicators:20.1%)
IV.Managerial Efficacy Dimension(Overall weights of six indicators:17.1%)
V.Enterprise Capability Dimension(Overall weights of seven indicators:13.2%)
Appears in Collections:Thesis