標題: 孫子兵法導引企業競爭優勢之案例分析
Cases of Business Competitive Advantages through the Application of Sun-Wu Art of War
作者: 翁麗霞
Weng, Li-Hsia
Yu, Hsiang-Cheng
關鍵字: 孫子兵法;競爭優勢;案例分析法;經營策略;業務模式;行銷模式;管理領導;Sun-Wu Art of War;Competitive Advantage;Case Analysis Method;Business Strategy;Business Model;Marketing Model;Management Leadership
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 《孫子兵法》是一部歷久彌新的兵學聖典,理論精深、邏輯嚴謹、法則精妙,十三篇兵法言簡意賅,蘊含「兵法、戰略、策略」三項結合智慧,兼具理念啟發及實踐指導雙重價值,是現代企業競爭策略擬定與執行之重要指導。 本研究試圖探討《孫子兵法》軍事策略與現代企業管理理論謀合之處,除佐以產業結構、資源基礎與動態能力等競爭優勢相關理論架構之研究,並比較引申《孫子兵法》精髓至管理理論思維之相關書籍,主要列舉且深入分析十二個企業及個人案例,將《孫子兵法》原文直接導引於企業經營成功實例,並針對案例競爭策略分別以經營策略、業務模式、行銷模式、管理領導等四個營運構面,進行關鍵因素解析,藉以聚焦建立《孫子兵法》啟發企業競爭優勢實務之鏈結。
Sun-Wu Art of War, a famous military strategy paradigm, with its systematic and logic disciplines, has been an important guideline for modern enterprise competitive strategy planning and execution. It combines military methodologies, plans and strategies in its 13 chapters, not only triggers the enterprise operation concept but also guides business operation. This research studies common area of Sun-Wu Art of War military and modern enterprise management theory, includes the theory structure of competitive advantage and the comparison of different Sun-Wu Art of War oriented literature. In order to find out the relationship between enterprise critical successful factors and Sun-Wu Art of War, 12 enterprise and personnel cases will be studied. Additionally, these is a topic on analyzing the key factors, about business strategy, business model, marketing model and management leadership, from the case respectively competitive strategy point of view. The results will be used to trigger enterprise competitive strategies.