Title: | ECFA對台灣塑膠產業之影響及企業經營策略之調整-以G公司為例 The Influence of ECFA on The Industry of Plastic in Taiwan and The Adjustment of Business Strategy- An Empirical Study for a Company |
Authors: | 鐘佩芳 Chung, Pei-Fang 鍾惠民 Chung, Hui-min 管理學院高階主管管理碩士學程 |
Keywords: | 塑膠產業;雙邊貿易;貨物早收清單;ECFA |
Issue Date: | 2013 |
Abstract: | 在全球雙邊貿易體系蓬勃發展之同時,台灣為了避免在全球貿易體系邊緣化之危機,選擇先著眼於中國市場而與中國簽訂「海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA)」。ECFA雖僅為兩岸貿易協定中之先期架構,但簽訂同時亦設有早期收貨清單,使得部分貨品及服務可率先享有關稅優惠或市場開放。
另一方面,本文作者任職之工程塑膠業者G公司在ECFA簽訂後亦受影響,本文以上述後ECFA時代工程塑膠產業之影響評估為基礎,以SWOT模型分析G公司之優劣勢以及機會與威脅,藉此提出相關策略分析,並就G公司在後ECFA時代之經營策略提出調整建言,以期對工程塑膠產業及G公司有所貢獻。 Because the bilateral trade is highly popular in the world, the “Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA)” became the first choice to Taiwanese government to accelerate develop Chinese market. However ECFA is just the prior framework between China and Taiwan, under ECFA framework it also has the “Early Receipt List” to let some industry goods and service with preferential treatment to operate first in order to speed up both sides economic development. Under the ECFA “Early Receipt List”, although many Taiwanese plastic goods can enjoy tariff preferences, in the same time the Chinese plastic goods can also have 0% tariff to affect Taiwanese plastic industry’s growth. In this paper, author focus on the engineering plastic which is the most representative plastic good in Taiwan. Author analysis the engineering plastic items from the “Early Receipt List”, through the list author tries to discover some issues and problems that influences Taiwanese and Chinese plastic market now and the future. The author serves as sales manager in “G Company” which is famous engineering plastic company in Taiwan. In this paper author not only introduces the background of the Taiwanese engineering plastic industry, but also introduces G Company’s situation especially under ECFA’s affect. In the conclusion, the author applies some advices and suggestions through the G’s SWOT which is looking forward to contributing to the G company and Taiwanese Plastic industry as well. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/74473 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |