標題: 生物科技產業先進國與大型國際企業之發展歷程暨台灣生物科技產業之現局與提升
To study each country's biotech industry upgrade Taiwan's biotech industry development
作者: 黃晟書
Huang, Sheng-Shu
Cheng,Lo Wei
關鍵字: 生技產業;Biotechnology industry
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 生技產業範圍包括藥品、醫療保健、生物資源、農業、食品、環保、能源、化工等領域,儼然已成為人類生活中的一部份。未來龐大的商機已備受期待,使得各國推動下一代主流產業項目中,均將生技產業列為優先推動的項目。 近年來臺灣高等教育體系的擴充相當快速,大專院校已達163所。其中已有不少開設生技醫療相關系所。目前每年培育大學以上相關學門之畢業生達三萬人以上。若供給面繼續維持現狀,生技人力面臨超額供給將更趨惡化。 這些人力也未必會進入生技相關產業或學術研究機構,造成產學脫鉤與供給過剩的狀況之現象日趨嚴重。不僅造成現在生技人才面臨的窘境更使得臺灣的生技產業因而無法與國際競爭。 本研究主要使用質性研究方法,例如個案研究法、次級資料分析法。用以了解美國、英國、德國、日本、新加坡的生技產業;以及研究諾華、輝瑞、羅氏、默克、嬌生、亞培、拜耳、賽諾菲、阿斯特捷利康、葛蘭素史克十家國際公司的個案。並且借鏡華大基因研究院及以色列TEVA藥廠案例。綜合以上研究成果藉此提出如何提升臺灣生技產業發展之建議; 為提升臺灣目前的生技產業可以推動產研雙軌、鼓勵民間企業設立研發及培訓機構、創業育成中心導入商業管理、改善學校評鑑制度、實施證照制度、推動技職體系學生至企業實習、舉辦規模生技創業競賽,使產業發展具有創新創業之風氣,建立良善產學接軌機制。並且形成學術界推動產業界而產業界能支持學術發展的模式,進而建立具有世界水準之生技產業。
Biotechnology industry are widely found in various areas, ranging from pharmaceuticals and health care to biological resources, agriculture, food, energy, chemistry, and environmental protection, therefore biotechnology has already become part of human life. Biotech industry will be expected to bring huge business in the future. Many countries have placed the biotechnology industry on their best list while promoting the next-generation industries. The study adopted Qualitative Research Method, such as Case Study Method, and Secondary Qualitative Study to realize the Biotechnology industry in Singapore, and United States, and United Kingdom, and Germany, and Japan.Cases in ten international enterprises, including Novartis, Pfizer, Roche, Merk, Johnson & Johnson, Abbott, Bayer, Sanofi, AstraZeneca, and GlaxoSmithKline were analyzed. Cases in BGI and TEVA in Israel were taken as an example. The proposal about how to promote the development of biotechnology industry in Taiwan would be done according to the comprehensive result of the study. In recent years, higher education system in Taiwan had expanded quite rapidly. The number of colleges and universities had reached over 163 . Most of them had established deprtments and graduate schools that were related to biotech medical technology. Currently, graduates and postgraduates cultivated from related departments in the colleges and universities had reached more than 30,000 people per year. If it continued to maintain oversupply, biotech human resource would confront the deterioration in employment environment because of oversupply. Those biotech labors might not have the chance to be accepted by industry related to biotech or academic research organization. As a result, it led to the disconnection between industries and universities and the situation of labor oversupply would worsen. Not only did the oversupply of human resource cause the predicament for professional biotech labors, but it also made Taiwan's biotechnology industry lose competition with other countries. Now, in order to upgrade the biotechnology in dustry in Taiwan. We can promote the following items: Cooperation between industry and research center,Encourage the enterprise to set up research developing and training institutions,Import business management into incubation center, Improve the school evaluation system,Implement a licensing system,Promote vocational students to intern in enterprises, Hold biotechnology start-up contest to stir new creations, Establish a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in biotechnology industry and built up the mechanisms for the connection between industry and university. Form the modal that academics development promoted industry and industry supported the academic development, and establish world-class biotechnology industries further.