標題: 群體購物之社群決策支援機制
A Social Decision Support Mechanism for Group Purchasing
作者: 謝復勛
Hsieh, Fu-Hsun
Li, Yung-Ming
關鍵字: 社交網站;群體決策;文字探勘;群體商務;Social network;Group decision;Text mining;Group commerce
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 隨這資訊科技的進步和群體商務快速的發展,人們的生活方式有很明顯的改變,供應商可以提供商品給團體顧客,但是群體商務卻有著問題,從供應商的角度,提供的商品是以供應商的角度去設計,所以群體商務商品的銷售量有變少的趨勢;然而從消費者的角度,讓消費者組團討論並決策有一些問題,像是在討論的過程中可能要花很多時間來達成共識,或者決策結果的並非該組的最佳選擇。 所以為了解決上述的問題,我們設計了一個群體討論決策機制,藉由討論的內容來推薦最適合的新選項給團體討論者,並且考慮社交影響力及個人喜好去產生商品決策清單。研究結果顯示,我們能夠顯著提高小組討論的有效性並且供應商可以針對群體討論的清單,提供更適合的群體產品或服務給消費者。
With the advancement of information technology and development of group commerce, people have obviously changed in their lifestyle. However, group commerce faces some challenging problems. The products or services provided by vendors don’t satisfactorily reflect customers’ opinions, so the sale and revenue of group commerce gradually becomes lower. O the other hand, the process for a formed customer group to reach group-purchasing consensus is time-consuming and the final decision is not the best choice for each group members. In this paper, we design a social decision support mechanism, by using group discussion message to recommend suitable options for group members and we consider social influence and personal preference to generate option ranking list. The proposed mechanism can enhance the group purchasing decision making efficiently and effectively and venders can provide group products or services according to the group option ranking list.


  1. 341701.pdf

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