標題: 合作學習對國中八年級學生數學學習態度與學習成就影響之研究– 以「一元二次方程式」單元為例
A Study of the Effects of Cooperative Learning on Eighth-grade Students’ Math Learning Attitudes and Learning Achievement– Taking Quadratic Equation of One Variable as an Example
作者: 高峻哲
關鍵字: 合作學習;學習態度;學習成就;國中生;一元二次方程式;cooperative learning;learning attitude;learning achievement;Quadratic equation of one variable
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本研究的目的旨在探討合作學習教學法對國中八年級學生,在其數學學習態度與學習成就上,是否有顯著的影響;並探討對於不同學習成就及不同性別的學生,是否有不同的影響。 本研究採用準實驗研究法,研究對象為桃園市某國中八年級學生,由研究者從自己任教班級中取出兩班,並分別分派為實驗組與對照組。其中,實驗組接受合作學習教學法,其班級人數為30人,男、女生各15人;而對照組則仍接受傳統講述式教學法,其班級人數為28人,男、女生各14人。 實驗教學的時間為五週,在經過實驗教學後,分析比較實驗組與對照組在數學學習態度量表之前測、後測,以及數學學習成就測驗之前測、後測與延宕測驗上之表現,並從實驗組中不同學習成就學生給的回饋上,主要得到以下結論: 一、數學學習態度方面 (一)對整組學生與學習中成就學生而言,接受合作學習教學法後,其學習態度及各類項上是顯著優於傳統講述式教學法的。另外,對學習低成就學生、男學生,以及女學生而言,也大多數以接受合作學習教學法顯著較優,僅對學習高成就學生是全無顯著影響的。 (二)學生在合作學習的情境下,他們的學習是較以往感到輕鬆的,而且透過同儕的討論,他們也更輕易、自然地去發問與討論,所以在學習的態度上多是有進步的,其中尤以學習中成就學生為最。 二、數學學習成就方面 (一)實驗組之整組學生、學習高成就學生、學習低成就學生,以及女學生方面,其成就表現均優於對照組但未達顯著差異。 (二)實驗組之整組學生、學習高成就學生、學習中成就學生,以及男學生方面,其成就表現之保留度均優於對照組但未達顯著差異。 (三)實驗組中,不論整組學生、學習高成就學生、學習中成就學生、學習低成就學生、男學生,或女學生,其延宕測驗表現優於後測且達到顯著差異,表示合作學習對學生在數學學習成就的保留度上,其效果是相當顯著的。 而研究者即根據本研究的結論,對教學以及未來的研究方向提出個人建議。
The purposes of this study were to explore if there were significant influences on the 8th grade students’ learning attitudes and learning achievement when teachers used the cooperative learning method. It also explored if there were different influences on students' different achievements and genders. This study adopted a quasi-experiment study and chose the 8th grade students in Taoyuan County as our researching samples. The researcher chose two classes from his teaching classes. One of them was the experimental group, and the other was the control group. The experimental group, 15 boys and 15 girls, adopted the cooperative learning method; the control group, 14 boys and 14 girls,adopted the traditional one. It took 5 weeks to do this experiment. After the experiment, I analyzed and compared the experimental data. The main conclusions of this study were as follow: 1. Aspects of learning attitudes in math (1)For the whole group and medium achievers adopting cooperative learning method, their learning attitudes were obviously better than those adopting the traditional one. But there were no influences for high achivers. (2)Students’ learning attitudes in the cooperative learning method became better, especially for the medium achievers. 2. Aspects of learning achievement in math (1)High, low achievers and girl students in the experimental group performed better than those in the control group, but there were no significant differences. (2)High, low achievers and boy students in the experimental group had better achievement retention than those in the control group, but there were no significant differences. (3)All students in the experimental group performed better in the delay test than in the posttest, and there were significant differences. Based on the conclusions, some suggestions were offered for teaching and the further researching directions.
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