Title: 知覺風險對消費者網路購買服飾行為影響之研究-以台北市大尺碼消費者為例
The Study on the Effect of Perceived Risk on Consumers’ Purchase Behavior of the Online Clothing Buying-A Case Study of Big-Size Consumers in Taipei
Authors: 張碩洲
Chang, Shuo-Chou
Chen, Quang-Hua
Keywords: 網路購物;服飾品;知覺風險;購買意願;大尺碼消費者;Online Shopping;Clothes;Perceived Risk;Purchase Intensions;Big-Size Consumers
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 近年來,因社會發展及生活型態的改變,利用網際網路購物已是不可抵擋的趨勢。此外,網拍業者競爭也愈趨激烈,這種新型態的網路購物模式所蘊含的商機無限,而在各項網路購物商品中,屬服飾品的網購市場成長最為快速,而如何有效吸引消費者上門消費成為一項重要課題。大尺碼消費者對於網路購買服飾需求不再僅是重視產品價格與款式,還考量便利性、安全性等因素,故本研究將探討大尺碼消費者所網購服飾意願的關鍵因素,並更進一步探討知覺風險對大尺碼消費者網購服飾意願之影響,藉以了解大尺碼消費者對於網購服飾之購買意願。 本研究透過網路問卷方式進行資料蒐集,並以台北市大尺碼問為調查對象,有效問卷數為406份。本研究藉由探討網路服飾的產品屬性、購買動機、資訊尋求、知覺風險與購買意願等變數對消費者行為進行分析,並採用敘述性統計分析、信度分析、效度分析、因素分析、單因子變異數分析、卡方檢定和迴歸分析。 研究結果顯示,網購服飾的大尺碼消費者無論是在人口統計變數、資訊蒐集、產品屬性、知覺風險及購買意願上皆有顯著差異。另外,知覺風險中的財務風險、時間風險及績效風險均對於消費者的購買意願有顯著的負向影響,其中,以時間風險的影響力最大,其次為財務風險,最後為績效風險。最後依據研究結果提出行銷建議,以提供爾後學術界之研究及網路大尺碼服飾品業者擬定其經營策略之參考。
Nowadays,online shopping has become an irresistible trend due to the life-mode changing.Besides,running this online shopping business has more keen competition but also brings unlimited opportunities. Among all kinds of commodities, garment is the most fast one in the market growth and it becomes an important mythology for attracting customers. Big-size customers not only pay attention on price and style,but consider about convenience and safety as well. The study is to discuss the key factor for how big-size customers are willing to shop online and probe into the influence of perceived risk for their willing to understand their purchase intentions for online shopping. Targeting the big-size customers who live in Taipei,406 samples from online survey questionnaire which were collected,the study research on product attribute, purchasing motive,perceived risk,and the attitude towards purchase intention for analysis,including descriptive statistics,reliability analysis,validity analysis,factor analysis,one-way ANOVA,chi-squared and regression analysis. The study shows that there have significant difference for population accounting from sources of information, product attribute,perceived risk,and purchase intention of big-size customers.Besides,perceived risk of the time risk, performance risk and financial risk have significantly negative effects on consumers’ purchase intensions. Moreover,the most influential risk of perceived risk is time riskand then financial risk and performance risk. Finally,this article provides some marketing recommendations for future research.
Appears in Collections:Thesis