標題: 新竹地區牙醫業的藍海策略-以某牙醫診所為例
A study of blue-ocean strategies of dentist service: a case study for Hsin-Chu area
作者: 袁寶華
Yuan, Pao-Hua
Huimin Chung
關鍵字: 牙醫;兒童牙醫;競爭策略;competitive strategy;SWOT;dentist,;pediatric dentist ,
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 民國84年開辦全民健康保險之前,台灣的醫療係高獲利與非常封閉的產業,台灣牙醫總額支付制度於民國87年實施,為求牙醫師人力分布均衡,政府以健保點數作為因應,鼓勵醫師們至郊區服務。 健保總額預算實施後,而牙醫師必須在診所服務兩年之實務經驗才能開業,牙醫產業的高度競爭使診所的收入受到更大的限制。1990~2000年代,台灣經濟的高成長、功能需求及美觀需求,牙醫引進入矯正、植牙及牙齒美白等之自費療程,使牙醫成為熱門科系。然而牙醫師之專業及服務能力、態度,才是病患就醫的決定患者對牙醫診所忠誠度的關鍵因素,且是較容易與病人產生長期的醫病關係! 本研究以牙醫服務市場為主體,以各種管理學上的競爭策略為研究方法,思考A牙醫診所應以何種策略擴大牙醫服務市場,最後選Weihrich 的SWOT分析理論做分析,嘗試定出A牙醫診所的競爭策略,朝企業化發展並進而進軍國際之策略研究。
Before 1995 the implement of the National Health Insurance , Medical industry is highly profitable and very closed in Taiwan, Taiwan's total dental payment system in Taiwan implemented from 1998, for the sake of a balanced distribution of dentists, health points as a main tool of government encourage dentist to suburban services. After the implementation of Taiwan's total dental payment system , dentists must serve two- year practice before the clinic opened and be into a highly competitive industry, so the dentist clinic income subjects to more restrictions. From 1990 to 2000s, Taiwan's high-grown economy, the functional requirements and aesthetic needs, dentists lead into the correction, dental implants and teeth whitening treatment at their own expense, etc., so that the dentist has become a hot line. However, professional services capabilities and attitudes is the main of patient loyal key factors, and are more important to keep long-term relationship with the patient! In this study, thinking about the strategy to enlarge the dental service market and how the dental clinics to develop in the full competition market through Weihrich SWOT analysis are the major purpose of this paper. In addition, try to propose the competitive strategy of A Dental clinics to enter international towards enterprise is another purpose.