標題: 多輸入多輸出雙使用者干擾通道在傳送端 沒有通道狀態的資訊下使用功率劃分的自由度
Degrees of freedom for MIMO interference channel using power split with no channel state information at transmitters
作者: 羅傑
Lo Chieh
Lu Hsiao-Feng
關鍵字: 多輸入多輸出雙使用者干擾通道;自由度區域;功率劃分;接續干擾消除;degree-of-freedom region;MIMO interference channel;power-split scheme;SIC
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 在這篇論文中我們探討多輸入多輸出雙使用者干擾通道在傳送端沒有通道資訊下的自由度區域。我們延用 Huang, Jafar 和 Shamai 的研究,從不同的傳送端和接收端天線數分成三個類別。我們使用功率劃分方法以及接續干擾消除解碼器來得到自由度區域。同時我們也讓 Huang 等三人的研究中其中一個類別的外界變得更好。我們並延伸討論到多輸入多輸出雙使用者干擾通道在傳送端沒有通道資訊下有完美接收端合作的自由度區域,比較和多輸入多輸出雙使用者干擾通道在傳送端沒有通道資訊下沒有合作的自由度範圍的差異。
In this thesis we investigate the degree-of-freedom (DoF) region of a two-user MIMO interference channel without channel state information at the transmitters. Following the work of Huang, Jafar, and Shamai, we distinguish three types of channels based on the numbers of transmit and receive antennas. We derive the DoF region for a power-split scheme followed by a SIC decoder. We also improve an outer bound by Huang et. al. on the DoF region for a specific type of MIMO interference channels. We extend our discussion to two-user MIMO interference channels with perfect receiver cooperation and compare the result to two-user interference without cooperation.


  1. 026801.pdf

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