標題: 詮釋取徑之家具詩意創作
Hermeneutic Approach to Poetic Furniture Design Practice
作者: 黃彥翔
Huang, Yen-Hsiang
Lin, Ming-Huang
關鍵字: 詮釋學;空間詩學;現象學;Hermeneutic;The Poetic of Space;Phenomenology
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本論文結合了詮釋學、空間詩學以及現象學來檢視當代設計的意義。詮釋學的觀點說明如何在品味、教養、共同感和判斷力等人文概念中,理解設計對人的重要性。詩學的分析幫助理解在家具的語意及功能之外,設計如何產生詩意。現象學分析讓設計師在混亂的消費市場中看清楚設計的本質。由哲學理論為基礎,建立起設計理想的意義。 以實際創作過程進行詮釋,解釋詮釋學視角對於設計者以及使用者的實際意義和幫助。希望能夠藉由哲學意義的釐清,輔以實際的創作詮釋過程,提供任何想要理解設計人文意義的研究者,一種新的視角。 提出三款設計作品,分別由機構、造型和製造的角度切入,在藉由詮釋學的角度闡述不同的角度背後,是相同的價值觀和想像。
In order to make the point more clear, use this approach to interpret the furniture design practice I made in 2014. The result shows that designers should always reconsider the meaning of design to keep progressing. And everyone can find a dream in design. The theory, which based on philosophy thinking, helps designer to reflect on the meaning of design. Take my own design interpretation as an example to explain the benefit in the design practice. The three furniture designs was motivated by different topic that I’m interested in, such as mechanics, moving form and flowability in the materials. Use the theory to explain how these designs are connected.


  1. 251301.pdf

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