標題: 偏遠公共運輸服務績效補貼機制之設計
Performance-based Subsidy Mechanism for Rural Bus Service
作者: 林佩君
Lin, Pei-Chun
Chiou, Yu-Chiun
關鍵字: 偏遠地區;公共運輸;績效補貼;雙層數學規劃;Rural area;Bus service;Performance-based subsidy;Bi-level mathematical programming
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 為保障偏遠地區居民基本行的權益,針對偏遠服務性路線所辦理的營運虧損補貼自民國86年起開始實施,根據公路總局統計資料顯示,99年度的虧損補貼金額高達9億,且有逐年攀升的趨勢。我國現行虧損補貼的計算方式存有業者營運虧損越多,得到的補貼金額越多的不合理情形,此也會讓業者依賴政府之補貼而缺乏提升營運績效之動機。
In order to meet the essential mobility need of people, especially for those living in rural areas, the government started to subsidize the operating deficit of rural bus service since 1997. According to the statistics of Directorate General of Highways (DGH), the total deficit subsidy was up to NT$900 millions in 2010, and it has increased year by year. According to the current deficit subsidy mechanism, the public transportation operators with higher operating deficit, will receive higher deficit subsidy, making operators heavily rely on government’s deficit subsidy and lack of motivation to increase their patronage.
Based on this, this study aims to introduce the mechanism of performance-based subsidy into the rural bus service subsidy, by allocating the subsidy budget to operating deficit subsidy for maintaining the minimum service level (MSL) of bus frequency, i.e., the essential service and performance-based subsidy for the additional bus frequency. To optimally determine the optimal allocation of subsidy budget and MSL frequency, a bi-level mathematic programming model is proposed. The upper level (i.e. the behavior of government) aims to optimally determine the subsidy allocation towards social welfare maximum; while the lower level (i.e. the behavior of public transportation operators) is to determine the optimal service frequency based on the allocated budget and passenger choices so as to maximize their profit. Besides, the logistic curve is used to reflect the passenger mode choice under various service frequencies. Based on the different allocation concepts of subsidy budget, this study proposes two models, one is the subsidy budget pre-allocated by routes and the other is pre-allocated by areas.
A case study on the rural bus service in Hua-lien County is conducted to examine the applicability of the proposed model. The results show that the performance-based subsidy models can not only lower the amount of subsidy, but also improve the public transportation operator’s service levels, suggesting the applicability and effectiveness of our proposed model.