標題: 以快速熱退火法加強金屬側向誘發結晶速率之研究
Enhancement of Metal-induced Lateral Crystallization Growth Rate by Rapid Thermal Annealing
作者: 鍾思行
Szu-Hsing Chung
YewChung Sermon Wu
關鍵字: 複晶矽;金屬誘發結晶;退火;快速熱退火;側向;annealing;Metal;induced;lateral;crystallization;RTA
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 在本論文中,主要由二種退火方向探討低溫複晶矽(Low Temperature Poly Silicon, LTPS)薄膜成長的方式。 在低溫製程上採用的是金屬側向誘發結晶(Metal-induced Lateral Crystallization)方式,此方式是使用鎳(Ni)降低製程的溫度以及生長時間,原理主要是藉由鎳與矽(Si)之間的反應產生二矽化鎳(NiSi2),進行退火後可產生金屬誘發結晶與金屬側向誘發結晶兩種結構,再進行其微結構觀察。 本實驗主要利用快速熱退火爐(Rapid Thermal Anneaing, RTA)系統成長方式,一方面與高溫退火爐管製作的複晶矽比較,另一方面觀察製作在不同參數下之複晶矽的研究。
Two annealing methods of fabricating low temperature poly Silicon(LTPS) thin film transistor (TFT) were discussed in this study.In order to achieve the low temperature process, we used metal-induced lateral crystallization(MILC) to fabricate it . Ni can lower the temperature of process and annealing time because the reaction between Ni and Si of forming Nickel Disilicide(NiSi2) which lowers the annealing time in further process.In this experiment, the annealing were most achieved in rapid thermal annealing chamber(RTA), and several parameters were designed to change. The other annealing method is furnace annealing(FA). The samples fabricated by those ways would be compared in this research.


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