標題: 在資源基礎理論下衡量企業軟實力-以全球主要智慧型手機品牌為例
Measuringthe Soft Power of Top Smart Phone Providers – the Resource-Base View
作者: 李家帆
Lee, Chia-Fan
Hu, Jin-Li
關鍵字: 軟實力;硬實力;資源基礎理論;Soft Power;Hard Power;Resource Based View
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 近年來全球企業文化的興起,多數的全球企業都逐漸將自己的規模發展至全球化的等級,企業規模之龐大前所未見。在此嶄新環境下的企業,面臨的競爭壓力為過去標準難以衡量。企業間的競爭指標不再僅限於資本、技術、裝備以及土地等。近來有研究機構運用軟實力的架構建立國家軟實力的量化衡量指標,擴大軟實力的具體應用層面。同時也將軟實力更進一步的擴大應用至商業領域。但又因在提倡軟實力的情形下,所見之政策過於理想。因此,奈教授並再提出巧實力,冀望能改良「硬實力」與「軟實力」之不足,而巧實力也漸趨為人所重視。於是,軟實力的內涵與應用逐漸受到重視。巧實力最早是由哈佛大學的政治學者Nye (2004)所提出。是繼「硬實力」、「軟實力」外的第三種衡量國家的指標。巧實力是一種「硬實力和軟實力的結合」。巧實力主要為探討如何衡量國家依造文化或是價值觀以及軍事與外交等因素來獲得影響力的能力。東西冷戰結束後,以往國際強權所強調的軍事力量逐漸轉化成另一種層面,由國家文化和價值觀組成所帶來的影響力。但企業是否能只憑恃著軟實力或是硬實力而佔據一方,亦或是需要擁有兩者兼具的實力才能對抗全球化的競爭環境。本研究嘗試將軟實力的應用範圍,從國家層級對應到企業層級,並透過資源基礎理論將企業內部資源作為分類,以立衡量企業實力的評分系統並且計算2011至2012年全球智慧型手機四大廠商的實力。本研究發現軟實力與市占率的相關性高達九成,硬實力與市占率之相關性僅有46%的相關性。而巧實力分數的排序與全球市占率的排序有並沒有太大的解釋能力,相關性只有37%。此結果表示軟實力對企業的重要性遠高於硬實力與巧實力。本研究亦開啟企業巧實力探討之先河,為後續研究提供脈絡。
Soft Power first to be proposed by Nye(1990), and it mainly used to measure the competitiveness of nations. The soft powercan be another strong indicator to evaluate a company, too. However, in order to produce more effective strategy, Nye created smart power to explain that it would be not enough to merely use either soft power or hard power. Therefore, Nye (2003) combined soft power and hard power. The smart-phone is a fast changing and competitive industry. Top smart phone providers in this extremely competitive environment would put all their efforts. In order to sustain long run competitiveness, top smart phone providers have to resort to both soft and hard powers.The correlation between rankings in hard power and global market share is 0.4667;the correlation between rankings in soft power and global market share is 0.9487; while the correlation between rankings in smart power and global market shares only 0.3667. Therefore, in this case study the soft power is much more correlated with the market share for a top smart phone provider, compared to hard and smart powers.
Appears in Collections:Thesis