标题: | 网路游戏玩家的团队归因对于人际快速信任与团队效能之中介效果──以临时团队的英雄联盟为例 The mediation effect of game team attribution between interpersonal swift trust and team efficacy among temporary game teams in the “League of Legends” |
作者: | 林毓晏 Lin, Yu-Yan 林珊如 Lin, Shan-Ju 教育研究所 |
关键字: | 临时团队;人际信任;团队效能;团队归因;网路游戏;temporary teams;interpersonal trust;team efficacy;team attribution;online game |
公开日期: | 2013 |
摘要: | 本研究目的是探讨在网路游戏《英雄联盟》中,临时组成的团队需要快速信任队友以期达成团队目标,在游戏竞赛后,成员个人的人际信任如何透过团队归因,影响其团队效能的认知判断。临时组成的团队在发挥功能达成任务前,需要团队成员快速建立起人际信任感(Katzenback & Smith, 1993),而达成任务后的结果则视为一种精熟经验,是团队效能的重要来源(Bandura, 1986),团队在未来若要获得良好表现,则团队效能是不容忽视的重要动机。依任务结果(团队表现)的时间序,本研究认为成员在人际上的快速信任,是预测团队效能的因素。 如同个人的成就归因,所谓“团队归因”是指成员归结团队这次成就表现的原因特性,分为内在归因、团队控制、外部归因、稳定归因等四个向度。Bandura(1986)认为对于精熟表现的诠释会影响效能感的判断。目前虽无研究探讨人际信任是否能预测团队归因,但本研究认为人际信任感会影响成员在团队归因上的偏好,故本研究认为团队归因会中介人际信任与团队效能之间的关系。利团队归因偏误(team-serving attributional bias,TSAB)是指成员会把胜利归结于内在、稳定、可控制的因素,而认为失败是导因于外在、不稳定、不可控制的因素(Greenlees et al., 2007)。因此本研究认为中介模式会受到胜败情境的调节。 本研究对象为招募的《英雄联盟》的534位玩家,其中351位为竞赛获胜的玩家,183位则是被打败的战败玩家。玩家的年龄层集中于19-22岁,其中有27.3%的玩家对于队友“在现实中全都认识”,26.8%的玩家则是“在现实中全都不认识”。本研究探讨的游戏场域为召唤峡谷,由两组各五人组成队伍,彼此攻占对方据点以进行游戏。研究者在游戏论坛上张贴招募广告,并在某科技大学的11个班级中发送招募信函征求玩家在游戏竞赛后上线填写问卷。研究工具为改编“人际信任量表”、“团队归因向度量表”、“团队效能量表”,资料收集从2014年3月中至4月底。 本研究以结构方程模式进行中介模式的统计检验,研究结果为:(一)对全体玩家而言,人际信任可有效直接预测团队效能,同时人际信任间接透过内在归因、团队控制的两个归因向度,正向预测团队效能,亦即部分中介模式得到确立;但是成就归因中的两个向度:外部控制与稳定归因,并没有显着的中介效果。但是(二)对于胜利的玩家而言,人际信任却是透过内在归因、稳定归因的两个向度,对于团队效能有显着的部分中介效果,符合过去研究指出胜利者会出现利团队偏误的现象。(三)战败玩家的中介模式不成立。(四)研究者改编的“人际信任量表”、“团队归因向度量表”、“团队效能量表”,由个别玩家填答,均表现出良好的信效度。最后,本研究的贡献为发现人际上的快速信任可预测团队效能,对于团队归因也有一定程度的预测力,研究者依据本次的初探结果,提供建议给未来的研究者参考。 The purpose of this research was to investigate in the online game, League of Legends (LoL), how the individual perceived interpersonal trust effect on team efficacy through “team attribution” among temporary teams. Players in a temporary team have to establish common trust quickly in order to coordinate effectively and smoothly for the achievement of team goals (Katzenback & Smith, 1993). Team achievement (usually winning the battle) is a mastery experience which is a critical source of team efficacy (Bandura, 1986). In turn, team efficacy would form motivational base for the future fruitful team outcomes. The author thus hypothesized that interpersonal trust (in swift manner for temporary teams) could directly predict team efficacy. Attribution theory (Weiner, 1986) tries to explain the ways in which individuals cognitively appraise outcomes of achievement situations. It has been argued that an analysis of team-referent attributions may enhance our understanding of an individuals’ motivation as part of a team and team process. Greelees et al. (2007) proposed a four-factor model of attribution dimensions that retained the locus of causality, stability, team control and external control dimensions. Team-referent attribution dimensions were expected to be effective mediators between interpersonal trust and team efficacy. In addition, researchers have also shown that there are differences in the attributions team members of successful and unsuccessful teams. Team-serving attributional bias (TSAB) refers to the situation when a team succeeds, individuals attribute that success to factors that are likely to enhance the group’s value. Thus, after success individuals are more likely to make internal, stable, and controllable attributions for the team’s performance (e.g., the ability of the team or inspired strategic decision-making). Conversely, the TSAB predicts that after failure, group members will be more likely to use attributions that protect a positive image of the group. Thus, it can be proposed that team members will be more likely to use external, unstable, and uncontrollable factors to explain the team’s performance (e.g., poor refereeing decisions, the cheating of opponents) after failure than after success. The recruited participants were 534 LoL players with 351 winners and 183 losers in their previous gaming. Their age was from 19 to 22. 27.3% of them were acquainted with their all teammates while 26.8% didn’t know any teammates. The research only focused on one mode, “Summoner's Rift.” The mode required 5 players to form a team and then two teams attack and occupy another’s stronghold (Nexus). In order to recruit the participants to fill out the online questionnaire immediately after a gameplay, the researcher posted a recruiting advertisement on LoL’s game forums and distributed advertisement letters to 11 classes in a private technology university. The measures include “Interpersonal Trust Measures,” “Causal Dimension Scale for Teams,” and “Team Efficacy Scale.” The data were collected from mid-March to late April, 2014. The researcher adopted structure equation modeling (SEM) to analyze the measurement model of each scale and the mediation model with team attribution as the mediator between the relationship of interpersonal trust and team efficacy. The major findings of the research were summarized as follows. 1. In the whole sample, interpersonal trust is a significant predictive to team efficacy (direct effect). While, at the same time two team attribution dimensions (locus of causality and team control) effectively mediate the direct effect from interpersonal trust to team efficacy. 2. When winners were selected to form winner-only sample, two dimensions of team attributions (locus of causality and stability) mediate the direct effect from interpersonal trust to team efficacy. 3. The mediation model shows unacceptable model fit in the loser-only sample. 4. Three measures: “Interpersonal Trust Measures,” “Causal Dimension Scale for Teams,” and “Team Efficacy Scale” demonstrate acceptable reliability and validity in the examination of measurement model using confirmatory factor analyses. According to above results, several suggestions were given for future researchers. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/75069 |
显示于类别: | Thesis |