標題: 張嬑凌鋼琴演奏會(含輔助文件:一位演奏者對梅湘鋼琴作品《前奏曲》的作品探究)
Yi-Ling Chang Piano Recital (with a Supporting Paper: A Performer's Study on Messiaen’s “Préludes pour Piano”)
作者: 張嬑凌
Chang, Yi-Ling
Hsin, Hsing-Chwen
Lee, Tzyy-Sheng
關鍵字: 梅湘;前奏曲;Messiaen;Préludes
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 梅湘的鋼琴作品《前奏曲》為作曲家早期創作,卻已經充滿了獨特的個人創作手法。本篇論文將從梅湘生平著手,提及德布西對他的影響,探究其早期創作手法,進而了解《前奏曲》的創作背景和各曲之結構解析;再從梅湘本人所提及之該作品之說明出發,研究其曲式和標題的連結、調性和調式的融合以及聲響在演奏上的嘗試等探討。
Messiaen's Préludes, although an early work, is already unique and personal in its compositional style. This paper will commence with Messiaen's early life, touching on Debussy's influence on him, while exploring his early creative approach in order to understand the Préludes’ creative background and structure of each piece in analysis. Further, from Messiaen’s own comments on these Préludes, the paper investigates the link between musical form and the poetic titles of the Préludes, the integration of tonality and the modes, as well as the exploration of innovative sonority to be performed.