標題: 非正規化知識本體重構
Informal Knowledge Ontology Refactor
作者: 陳良彥
Chen, Liang-Yen
Li, Yung-Ming
關鍵字: 知識本體;知識重構;知識推薦;知識模型;知識管理;Knowledge Ontology;Knowledge Refactor;Knowledge Recommend;Knowledge Management
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本研究提出一個基於半非正規化知識模型的知識漸進式演進循環架構,幫助個人與組織理解與重用所面對的大量知識,該架構有四個面向,包含知識載體、知識重構、知識模型與知識推薦。知識載體敘述知識為何需重構,知識重構說明如何透過知識重構將知識載體轉化成為知識模型,知識模型則整理了一個知識模型應該保存哪一些知識,知識推薦介紹該如何重用知識模型。實驗部分則透過平台的實做驗證知識元件的效益,包括了可閱讀性,可維護性,可延伸性,完整性與關連明確性等五個要素進行分析。最後在結論的部分提出實務上運用的說明。
This paper proposes a knowledge progressive evolution circulation framework, based on semi-informal knowledge model, to help individuals and organizations understand and reuse a lot of knowledge they face. The architecture has four dimensions, including knowledge carrier, knowledge refactoring, knowledge recommendations, and knowledge model. Knowledge carrier describes why we need to do refactoring. Knowledge refactoring illustrates how to transforms knowledge carrier into knowledge model. Knowledge model catches the main knowledge to be saved. Knowledge recommendation introduces the approach how to reuse the knowledge model.

Experimental verification is done by implementing a knowledge component platform. Five performance factor evaluation, including readability, maintainability, extensibility, and clarity, were analyzed. Finally, the practice of the proposed framework are described in the conclusion.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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