標題: 水災避難收容所評估準則研究
A Study on Assessing Rules of Flood Refuge
作者: 范正安
Fan, Cheng-An
Chen, Chiun-Shun
Chen, Chien-Jung
關鍵字: 水災;避難收容所;AHP層級分析法;Flood;Refuge;Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP)
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 因氣候變遷及全球暖化影響,近來年各種大型災害頻傳,因此對於災害之預防與應變工作更顯重要。2010年巴基斯坦發生水災、2011年泰國亦因持續暴雨造成水災,災情延續數月之久。台灣位處西太平洋颱風區及環太平洋地震帶上,近年來時常發生強降雨造成淹水情形,如2012年發生北台灣強降雨之淹水災害。觀察歷史上,台灣以往也時常發生颱風侵襲、洪水成災之情況。水災的影響時間,短則數小時內可排除,長可能影響數月之久,其避難收容安置執行情形即為一項重要之規劃工作。本研究經由文獻探討與專家訪談方式建構水災避難收容所之評估項目與評估次準則,並由專家問卷及AHP層級分析法取得評估因子間相對權重及重要性,作為水災避難收容所之評估參考準則。 利用AHP層級分析法調查,本研究針對水災避難收容所評估結構安全、位置交通、生活機能及災民服務等4項評估項目,各項下另有3項評估次準則,分別予以調查統計。分析結果,權重排序前5項依序為:高程、非水災潛勢區內、防淹水設施、避難路徑安全以及耐震強度。本研究針對前5項各給予回饋建議,以作為評估水災避難收容所之參考。 本研究選定新竹縣新豐鄉為實證調查對象進行評估,根據實證調查情形給予目前所設之避難收容所作為評估改善之建議。新竹縣新豐鄉位於新竹縣最北端,西臨台灣海峽,地勢低窪,地理位置切合本研究假想之災害-水災,故選定新豐鄉2處避難收容所,排定調查評估期程,以本研究問卷調查統計之結果予以實證調查。經由調查結果,給予選定之2處避難收容所回饋與建議供參考。
The weather change and global warming phenomenon seemed to make more kinds of the natural disaster in recent years. It is more important that prevention and response in disaster management. There was a flood in Pakistan, 2010. There was also a flood of rainstorm that affected for several months in Thailand, 2011. Taiwan is located in the Western Pacific Typhoon zone and the Circum-Pacific seismic zone. The heavy rainstorm frequently caused flooding situation in Taiwan in recent years. Such as the 2012 flood occurred in the heavy rainstorm in northern Taiwan. The typhoons and floods frequently attacked Taiwan in history. The influence of affected time could be as short as a few hours, or maybe as long as several months. It is an important part of planning about refuge execution. This study constructed the evaluation items and sub-standards of assessing flood refuge via literature review, interviews with experts and observation. This study also built the reference evaluation standards of flood refuge via the relative weights and importance between evaluation factors by taking questionnaires with experts and analytic hierarchy process (AHP). According to analytic hierarchy process (AHP), this study surveyed each the evaluation items that included structural safety, location traffic, life function, and victims service, and sub-standards of assessing flood refuge. There are each three sub-standards under the evaluation items. According to the weight sequence in results, the top 5 items are elevation, non-flood potential zone, anti-flood facilities, evacuation route safety and seismic capacity. This study gave feedback and suggestions to the top 5 items as references of assessing flood refuge. Xinfeng Township of Hsinchu County was chosen as the experimental area for assessing. From the result of the assessments, we could give some suggestions to improve the existent refuges. Located on the north point of Hsinchu County, Xinfeng Township is next to the Taiwan Strait. The low-lying land just fitted the assumed disaster, flood, of this study. Two refuges of Xinfeng Township was chosen as evaluation objects. This study arranged timetables to evaluating by the results of the assessments. Finally, the study gave some feedback and suggestions to these refuges for reference.


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