Title: 二矽化鈷/金屬微米介面的電子傳輸性質
Electrical-transport properties of micrometer-sized CoSi2/normal-metal interfaces
Authors: 賴文隆
Lai, Wen-Long
Lin, Juhn-Jong
Keywords: 二矽化鈷;介面;CoSi2;interface
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 二矽化鈷不僅在工業上或基礎科學的探討上,都有其重要性。在本篇論文中,我們製作兩種不同形態二矽化鈷薄膜,並在薄膜上鍍上金屬,量測金屬/二矽化鈷微米介面的電子傳輸性質。 藉由低溫量測系統量測室溫到1.5 K的電阻隨溫度變化的關係,兩種樣品呈現不同的電子傳輸性質,一種呈現金屬性的電子傳輸結果,另一種則是有絕緣體的特性,亦即隨溫度下降,電阻呈現近似指數性的上升。 由於我們對二矽化鈷薄膜量測電阻隨溫度結果,可以知道此薄膜呈現金屬性的結果,因此在第一型樣品中,我們可以知道樣品本身的介面較乾淨,然而,另一型的樣品中,電阻隨溫度下降而上升的結果,我們發現其傳輸性質可以用FITC來描述,我們推測導致其介面具有位能障的原因,是由於二矽化鈷在空氣中會氧化,加上二矽化鈷的表面比較粗糙,所以容易形成眾多極小穿隧接點,因而隨溫度降低,熱擾動致發穿隧效應成為電性量測的主要貢獻。
Cobalt silicide has its own importance not only in industry but also in the basic of scientific investigation. In this paper, we have produced two different pattern of cobalt silicide film, and deposited metal on the film, measured electrical-transport properties of micrometer-sized cobalt silicide/normal-metal interfaces. By low temperature measurement system to measure the resistance from room temperature to 1.5 K with the change of temperature, the two samples showed different electron transport properties, an electron transport presents the results of the metallic, and the other is the characteristics of the insulator. Mean that decrease with temperature, the resistance increased exponentially. Because we have measure the resistance of cobalt silicide with the change of temperature, you can know that this film presents the results of metallic, so the first type of sample, We know it present more clean interface, however, the other type of sample result, the resistance increases with decreasing temperature, we can use FITC to describe the transmission properties of the samples, we assume that the result of its high potential barrier because when the silicide cobalt in the air will oxidize, and roughness of cobalt silicide surface, it is easy to form lots of tunnel interfaces, thus decreasing temperature, the thermal fluctuation induced tunneling became a major electrical measurements contribution.
Appears in Collections:Thesis