Title: | 消費者評論網站之多邊平臺的商業模式分析—以愛評網為例 The Multi-Sided Business Model Analysis of Consumer Review Website: A Case Study of iPeen. |
Authors: | 邱偉珉 Chiu, Wei-Min 韓復華 Han, Anthony F. 企業管理碩士學程 |
Keywords: | 商業模型;線上消費者評論;競爭策略;Business Model;Online Consumer Review;Competitive Strategy |
Issue Date: | 2013 |
Abstract: | 早年,人們只能透過詢問朋友或家人的意見去得知一間餐廳的好壞。而在這樣有限的資訊下,其實很難找到一間合適的餐廳。雖然隨著網路的發展,人們已經能夠很容易的在網路上搜尋到餐廳資訊,但還是缺乏一個平臺能夠將餐廳資訊及消費者評論完整蒐集起來並有系統的整理。在2004年,消費者評論網站YELP進入美國市場,其總營收數字在2013年已達到近60億台幣。台灣當時並未有這樣的平台存在,而受到YELP的啟發,執行長何吉弘 (Sky Ho) 在2006年將愛評網打入台灣市場,並從那時起,為了生存在競爭激烈的電子商務市場,愛評網透過不斷的加強它的發展策略與營運模式,在台灣的市場中已取得相當成功的位置,至今已是台灣最大的美食評論網站。 這份研究的目的,是透過分析工具了解愛評網如何成功的生存在競爭激烈的電子商務並持續成長。而為了完成這份研究,分析工具採用由Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010) 所提出的商業模式分析 (Business model canvas) 和 Dawar and Frost (1999) 所提出的與巨人競爭的策略去得知愛評網怎麼捕捉並傳遞價值給顧客,並了解愛評網如何面對市場巨人。研究結果顯示,雖然愛評網已經是台灣市場的巨人,但對於一個提供在地化服務的業者而言,直接將服務拓展到國外並不是一個明智的選擇。相反的,持續深耕台灣市場,不斷的在台灣的餐飲業向下扎根才是明智的決策。而隨著外食人口以及餐飲業的蓬勃發展,愛評網在未來還是有相當的發展性,並能持續在餐飲業中獲取利潤。 In early times, people can only know a nice restaurant by inquiring their friends’ or families’ opinions. With limited information, it is difficult to find a suitable restaurant. As Internet develops, consumers can easily search for restaurant information and reviews online. However, they lack a platform that organizes restaurant information and consumer reviews systematically. In 2004, the most popular online consumer review website “YELP” was introduced in the market, the overall revenue has reached to US$ 232.988 million in 2013. Seeing there is a lack of platform in the market and inspired by YELP, Mr. Sky Ho introduced iPeen to the market in 2006. Since then, iPeen has kept on reinforcing its developing strategy and business model to sustain in the competitive e-business world. As a result, it has become the largest online consumer review platform in Taiwan. The main purpose of this study is to analyze how iPeen can sustain and keep growing in the competitive e-business market. In order to conduct the analysis, this research adopted the business model canvas introduced by Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010) and the global competition strategy of Dawar and Frost (1999) to discuss how iPeen captures and delivers its value and why it can compete with the market giants. The analysis results pointed out that, although iPeen is the market giant in Taiwan, it is not wise for a platform to provide localized service overseas to expand business scale. Rather, staying within hometown and keeping on cultivating the food service industry are better ways to survive in the severely competing market. As the number of eating-out and restaurants increasing year by year in Taiwan, iPeen still have very bright future to gain profits in the food service industry. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/75491 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |