標題: 線上河川污染總量分配決策支援系統
Web-based Decision Support System for River Waste Load Allocation
作者: 陳立夫
關鍵字: 河川污染總量分配方案;決策支援系統;水質管理;環境系統分析;優選;waste load allocation;decision support system;water quality management;environmental systems analysis;optimization
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 河川污染總量分配除須考量污染源與承受水體間之關係,尚須考量土地利用、集污區、人口等因子,以探討在不同因子下排放量分配的公平性差異及對於總量管制成效的影響。本研究採用QUAL2E模式模擬在各種不同排放情形下的水體水質變化,並應用遺傳演算法率定水質模擬參數,以提升模擬的品質。並依據水質模式所得的衝擊係數及土地利用類別、集污區公平性、人口公平性等因子建立總量分配優選模式,依據不同公平性因子的考量計算出容許排放量,以避免排放行為偏重於單一類別或區域。爲改善決策分析的品質及效率,本研究更進一步發展線上河川污染總量分配決策支援系統,使分析者能在網路上進行相關工作,以改善決策分析之效率。所發展之系統主要包含資料庫、資料分析、水質模擬模式、優選模式、線上地理資訊、決策支援等六大模組。資料庫模組主要管理所蒐集的河川水質、水文、點源污染等資料;資料分析模組產生易理解的輔助分析圖表;水質模擬模式以QUAL2E為核心建立友善的使用介面,讓使用者可於線上進行河川水質模擬。優選模式模組整合依據各種不同公平性因子的考量產生總量分配方案。線上地理資訊模組以地理圖層呈現空間分佈資訊。決策支援模組則整合上述模組輔助進行總量分配方案之決策分析。本研究並以烏溪為案例,示範及探討應用該系統於輔助河川總量管制方案決策分析之可行性與適用性。
In determining a proper waste load allocation for a river, in addition to the relation between pollution sources and the receiving water body, factors such as land uses, catchment areas and population density should also be considered. In this study, the equity and effectiveness of waste load allocations based on different factors were evaluated by the proposed optimization models . The QUAL2E model was used to simulate the water quality variation of the river water body. The Genetic Algorithm was used to calibrate model parameters for improving the quality of simulation. Several waste load allocation optimization models were developed based on the impact coefficients determined by the water quality model and several equity factors. Allowable total waste loads were calculated by the optimization models with consideration of various equity factors to avoid possible discharge bias favored to any single area. A web-based decision support system (DSS) was developed to facilitate the analysis and decision for a proper waste load allocation. The DSS has been made available on the Internet and can be accessed from any where and any time on the network. The DSS has six major modules including a database, a data analysis, the water quality simulation model, an optimization, a web-based geographical information system (GIS) and a decision support modules. The database module manages the data collected for water quality, hydrology and point source pollutants. The data analysis module produces various statistical charts. The water quality simulation model module provides a friendly interface to simulate the water quality. The optimization module generates various waste load allocation alternatives. The web-based GIS module illustrates spatial results by graphical map layers. The decision support module integrated all other modules to facilitate the analysis of waste load allocation alternatives. A case study for Wu River was implemented to explore and demonstrate the applicability and effectiveness of the DSS.


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