Title: | 臺灣國際港埠自由貿易港區之營運模式與發展策略之研究 On the Operation Models and the Strategic Development of the Free-Trade Zones of International Sea Ports in Taiwan |
Authors: | 盧思瑜 Lu, Ssu-Yu 姚銘忠 Yao, Ming-Jong 運輸與物流管理學系 |
Keywords: | 自由貿易港區;自貿港區營運模式;自貿港區政策規劃;自貿港區營運績效指標;Free-trade zone;Free-trade zone operation models;Free-trade zone policy;Free-trade zone operationperformance indicator |
Issue Date: | 2013 |
Abstract: | 我國自由貿易港區發展至今已近十年,營運業務日趨多元,營運量也大幅地提升,但在各文獻中,並未針對自貿港區之各項營運模式進行完整的流程、產業、區位及趨勢等分析,亦未有和自貿港區營運模式相關的營運績效指標,無法確切得知各營運模式的營運情況,也無從估算其營運規模及效益,缺少對自貿港區各營運模式的掌握。 本研究將以我國自由貿易港區之營運模式發展為研究主題,並將其營運業務主要歸納為五種營運模式,分別為「國際貿易服務」、「國際物流配銷」、「多國拆併櫃」、「多國加值併貨(委外加工)」與「檢測維修服務」等五種,藉由自貿港區營運模式作業通關流程的了解,利用報單串連確立營運模式營運量值之估算公式,解析其經營現況及營運規模,有效掌握自貿港區之利基營運模式。再者,著手於營運模式之產業以及進出口區位分析,進而探討自貿港區相關政策規劃,供政府及自貿港區規劃單位參考。 後續將分析營運模式營運值對於時間之趨勢變化,了解營運模式淡旺季月份,並進行貿易值預測,找出導致實際貿易值與預測貿易值差異之原因,研擬自貿港區發展策略。最後,利用層級分析法與主成份分析法建構自由貿易港區營運績效指標,確切反映自貿港區的營運情形,協助港務公司自貿港區經營,和交通部自貿港區政策規劃之參考。 Free-trade zone has being developed for decade in Taiwan, not only the operation models become more diversely, but the trade value increases greatly. There is lack of literature which analyze the process, industry and import-export location of the FTZ, therefore it is hard to find out the operation situation of the FTZ operation models, and is difficult to estimate the operation scale, lacking of the control of the FTZ operation models. Strategic development of the FTZ operation models is the main research of this paper, and we divide the operation models into five parts: international trading service, international distribution, multiple-country consolidation, international value-added service, and testing-maintenance service. Through the knowing of the operation models customs clearance and declaration forms connection, we can establish the trade value estimating formula, analyzing the operation scale and situation clearly. Furthermore, we will analyze the industry and import-export location of the FTZ, in order to develop the FTZ policies, providing the government as a reference. Moreover, we will analyze the trade value trend, understanding the slack and the busy season, and wil forecast the trade value, in order to find out the reason of the different between real value and forecast value. Finally, analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and principal component analysis (PCA) will be used to construct the FTZ operationperformance indicator, reflecting the FTZ operation situation, and providing the Ministry of Transportation and Communications as a reference. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/75631 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |