標題: 玻璃尖端陣列結構熱壓成形之模具製程研究
Analysis of Microtip Arrays Mold for Hot Embossing on Glass
作者: 蘇逸翔
Su, Yi-Hsiang
Hung, Ching-Hua
關鍵字: Spindt型場發射源;玻璃熱壓成形;尖端陣列結構;Spindt-type field emission source;glass hot embossing;microtip array
公開日期: 2014
摘要: 本研究設計一種玻璃Spindt型場發射源,運用玻璃熱壓成形技術在玻璃上製作出尖端陣列結構,將此玻璃結構當作基材,在其上鍍上一層導電膜層後,則可做為場發射平面光源之陰極場發射源。 此製程中,微結構模具製作為很重要的一環,但欲製作出可用於熱壓玻璃微結構之模具需克服數項問題,包括結構尺寸小、結構個數多、精度要求高及需能承受高溫高壓等。 本研究已成功研究出此微結構模具製程,藉由鑽石精密磨削加工出凸出微結構碳化鎢陽模,再運用直接加壓成形加工的翻模方式製作出微結構不鏽鋼陰模,並證明此模具配合玻璃熱壓成形技術,可成功在玻璃上成形Spindt型場發射源所需之尖端陣列結構。
In this research, a glass Spindt-type field emission source was designed by using the hot embossing technology to manufacture glass microtip array which was then coated with a layer of conductive film. In this process, making the microstructure mold is very difficult and important. The challenge includes the small structure size, the huge numbers of structure, the high requirements of accuracy and the high temperature or pressure the mold has on hot embossing process. This research has successfully developed the process of manufacturing microstructure mold. By the method of dicing, the study produce raised microstructure on WC then printing the microstructure on SUS304 mold by pressure. And it has been proved that the SUS304 mold can be used to manufacture the glass microtip array by hot embossing.


  1. 102001.pdf

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