標題: 公有立體停車場委外營運服務品質評估 -以新北市為例
Service Quality Evaluation for Contract-out Public Parking Towers-A Case of New Taipei City
作者: 黃靖舒
Huang, Jing-Shu
Wong, Jinn-Tsai
關鍵字: 立體停車場;委外營運;服務品質;AHP;parking towers;contract-out;service quality;AHP
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 停車場是提供車輛停放的地方,在家戶擁有車輛數越來越高的現代社會中,停車場所越來越受到重視,公有路外停車場所能提供的服務也不再侷限於只有「停車」而已,民眾對停車場的環境與功能性也有了更多的期待與要求。 新北市停車場透過委外營運方式,在政府與民間力量合作之下,停車場服務內容越來越多元化,在政府單位的推動下,加上業者的創意巧思及設備投入,停車場服務品質大幅創新。本研究係參考相關文獻及新北市政府交通局現行委外營運契約內容等相關資料,以立體式停車場為研究範圍,建立停車場服務品質評估指標,以PZB服務品質5大構面及25個衡量項目建構評估指標模式,再利用AHP專家問卷求得權重,另一方面,則經由停車場實地勘查及訪談,依停車場現有提供之服務,在每一衡量項目給予配分,乘以各項目之權重後加總,使停車場均得一分數後加以排序,以了解停車場服務品質的差異性,提供做為廠商後續規劃停車場之參考。
Parking towers are the places for car-parking. In modern society, there are more and more households own vehicles, and more attention put on car parking places. The public off-street parking towers can provide services more than "parking". Drivers have higher expectations and requirements in public parking towers on their environment and functionality. By way of contract-out policy, parking towers in New Taipei City under the public and private cooperation have appeared significant changes of parking services offered by the operators. Driven by government and the operators’ creative ingenuity and equipment investment, a variety of innovative and diversified parking services are developed. On the basis of PZB service quality model, this study, referred to the related literature, existing contracts in Transportation Department of New Taipei City and other relevant information, has successfully developed a set of parking service quality assessment indicators. With the established five constructs, 25 items were devised for developing service quality indicators. Meanwhile, to obtain the weights associated with the constucts and the related items, an AHP questionnaire was designed. After the field surveys of current parking towers services and interviews of the services providers, weighting scores for each parking tower were derived, sorted and used for further analyses. The differences among the parking towers are examined and provided as a reference for the subsequent improvements and plans.
Appears in Collections:Thesis