標題: 2維有限型的子移位之混合性質
The mixing property of 2-dimensional subshift of finite type
作者: 蔡佩君
Pei-Jiun Tsai
Song-Sun Lin
關鍵字: 混合性質;子移位;安全符號;mixing;subshift;safe symbol;compressible
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 在這篇論文中,討論n階置換矩陣An的原始性質。而這些主題與2維有限型的移位之混合性質有關。 我們的目的是給定2階置換矩陣A2的某些必備條件,進而証得矩陣An的原始性質。這些結果可以被提供去研究有安全符號的矩陣An之原始性質。在這篇論文中,我們也檢查一些與有限型的矩陣子移位 是弱擴張混合相關的例子,對於這些例子,我們都可証得所有n大於或等於2的n階矩陣An是原始的。最後,我們描述一些與An的原始性質有關的結果
In this paper, the primitivity of n-th order transition matrices An are studied, this topics related to the mixing property of 2-dimensional shift of finite type. Our propose is to give some necessary conditions for A2 to guarantee the primitivity of An. The results can be applied to study the primitivity of An which has safe symbol. In the paper, we also check some examples related to the matrix subshift of finite type be extensively weak mixing, and for these examples, we all show that An is primitive for all n>=2. Finally, we describe some results related to the primitivity of An.


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